Agenda for GA 2023

MAY 4th–7th, 2023
(Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, Uddens gränd 3, 62156 Visby, Sweden)

Thursday May 4th 2023

Informal gathering at the Centre at 19.30 Friday May 5th 2023

Friday May 5th 2023

10 –14 General Assembly

Opening of the General Assembly. Short presentation of every participant.

Approval of an Agenda.

Election of the chairperson and secretary of the GA.

Activity report by Malin Kivelä, the Chair of BWC.

Membership questions. Membership fee for the following year.

BCWT news by Lena Pasternak, director of BCWT.

Reports from member organisations.

14.30 Lunch at Jessens Saluhall

16–18 Round table discussion on literature and freedom of expression in Belarus. Participate: Barys Pjatrovitj, Alena Makouskaja, Nina Sjydlouskaja, Hanna Yankuta and Dmitrij Strotsev Moderator: Ann Wikström. At the Centre.

19–20 Poetry readings. Belarus. At Almedal library. Barys Pjatrovitj, Hanna Yankuta and Dmitrij Strotsev

~20.30 Dinner at the Centre.

Saturday May 6th 2023

10 – 14 General Assembly

Treasurer’s report by Mudite Treimane the Treasurer of BWC.

Auditor’s report.

Approval of the finances of BWC and budget for 2023.

Reports from member organisations.

Election of an auditor.

Plans for the next year.

Other issues.

Date of the next GA.

Closing the GA.

14.30 Lunch at Jessens Saluhall

17–19 BCWT 30 years. Reflections and Insights. Public round table. Location to be announced later.

An international round table discussion about the power of literature, „a room of one’s own“, worrying times, freedom of expression, cultural diplomacy and BCWT’s place and role in the midst.

~19.30 Festive dinner
Get together at the Centre after dinner… 

Sunday May 7th 2023

Free time/ Departure