MAY 3rd–5th 2024
at Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, Uddens gränd 3, 62156 Visby, Sweden
Friday May 3rd
14.00 – 17.00 General Assembly
* Opening of the General Assembly. Short presentation of all participants.
* Approval of the agenda
* Election of a chair person and secretary of the GA
* Activity report by Malin Kivelä, chair of BWC
* Membership questions. Membership fee for the following year.
* BCWT (Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators) news and retrospectives by Lena Pasternak, director
- Reports from member organisations
17.00 Dinner
- Public reading at the BCWT library
21.00 Dinner continues…
Saturday May 4th
10.00 – 17.00 General Assembly
10.00 – 12.50
* Reports from member organisations
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch at Jessen’s Saluhall
14.00 –17.00
* Treasurer’s report by Mudite Treimane, treasurer of BWC
* Auditor’s report by Johanna Sandberg, auditor of BWC
* Approval of the 2023 finances of BWC and the budget for 2024
* Election of board for BWC
* Election of the auditor
* Election of two members and two deputies into the Centre’s board
* Plans for next year
* Date of next GA
* Other issues
- Closing of GA 2024
17.00 Dinner
Internal event at the BWTC library: ”The death of literature”
Is literature a dying art form? Was the time of the reading human being just a short moment in history? Is there a point in writing in a language that very few people know well? Is the sound book the future? What about AI? Is reading even that necessary and, if so, why?
Keynote speeches by Dmitri Plax and Malin Kivelä
20.30 Dinner continues…
(Sun May 5th – extra day if we didn’t get everything done on Saturday
10.00–12.00 General Assembly)