Baltic Writers Council (BWC), General Assembly 2019

Time and place: 27–28 April 2019, Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, Uddens gränd 3, 621 56 Visby, Sweden.

The following representatives of the 12 member organisations were present: Swedish Writers’ Union (Anna-Säflund Orstadius),  The Union of Finnish Writers (Hannu Niklander), Society of Swedish Authors in Finland (Malin Kivelä), The Finnish Association of Finnish Non-Fiction Writers (Anna Rutanen, Satu Lundelin), The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (Taina Helkamo), Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators (Kazimiera Astratoviene), Lithuanian Writers’ Union (Marius Burokas), Estonian Writers’ Union (Tiit Aleksejev, Piret Viires, Ingrid Velbaum-Staub),  Latvian Writers’ Union (Mudite Treimane), Polish Assciation of Literary Translators (Justyna Czechowska), The Union of Belarusian Writers (Dmitri Plax, Barys Piatrovich), The Norwegian Association of Literary Translators (Hilde Lyng). Lena Pasternak was representing the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators.

Saturday April 27st 2019

Agenda of the General Assembly

11.00-16.00 Meeting with a lunch break

  • Opening of the General Assembly. Short presentation of every participant.
  • Approval of the Agenda.
  • Election of the chairperson and the secretary of the GA.
  • Activity report by Kazimiera Astratovienė, the chair of BWC.
  • Literary event in Visby in 2020: new ideas and possibilities.   
  • Membership questions. Membership fee for the following year.
  • BCWT news by Lena Pasternak, director of BCWT.
  • Reports from member-organizations (each report max. 5 min).


  1. The Chairperson of BWC Kazimiera Astratoviene opened the meeting at 11:00 on Saturday April 27 2019.

The participants of the meeting shortly presented themselves.

Justyna Czechowska passed on the greetings from Halyna Kruk from Ukraine. The Ukrainian organisation is not ready with their papers to apply for the membership of BWC.

2. The Agenda of the meeting was approved by the Assembly. Lunch at 13.

3. Kazimiera Astratoviene was elected chairperson for the meeting, Piret Viires was elected secretary.

4. The Chairperson of the BWC, Kazimiera Astratoviene, presented the activity report for BWC, for the year of 2018:

The General Assembly of 2018 for the Baltic Writers Council was arranged on 21st–22nd of April in Visby, Gotland. 16 persons representing 12 organisations from 8 countries took part in the meeting.

In the afternoon of the first GA session literary event named „Open House in Visby“ was held. It was the most important issue for the BWC Board to organize this event and to say the truth it exceeded all expectations. It was planned to be a minor event with few participants therefore organized in the Centre‘s House after the first session of GA, but it appeared to be a real literary feast that went on for about 3 hours. 9 writers and translators from 6 different countries were reading their texts to the public. Key-note speaker and invited guest was Ukrainian poet, translator and children‘s book writer Halyna Kruk, she delivered a speech „Last trends in contemporary Ukrainian literature: art and human experiences of war.“ I will not go into further details, the program of the event is on our webpage.

It is also important to note that for the first time BWC GA decided to take another approach for organizing the event and especially looking for its finances. Instead of writing numerous applications throughout the year and applying to different funds the Board asked BWC members for support. BWC member-organizations were asked to invite poets, writers and translators and to cover their travel and accommodation costs. They were also asked to donate money for the event that could be used for travel, accommodation and honorariums of those whose organizations weren‘t able to pay. Thus BWC received a donation: The Society of Swedish Authors in Finland, The Union of Finnish Writers, The Association of Finnish Non-fiction Writers supported the event financially – each of these organizations donated 1000 euros, so at last we had a budget of 3000 euros. It was such a good experience to find strength and support inside BWC that it can be seen as valuable lesson for the future activities.

Coming back to GA 2018, one of its decisions was to organize a Round table discussion dedicated to the situation of literary translators in the Baltic region. In order to do so was created a working group inside BWC, together with the Board it prepared an invitation for the members to send their representatives to the Round table covering the price of their travel and accommodation. Again it proved that BWC is an active organization important for its members – yesterday we listened to 10 Round table participants representing 9 different member-organizations. More about Round table you will hear in next year‘s activity report, but this year I would only like to point out, how significant it was to have someone from Iceland and from Norway in the discussion! We haven‘t seen anybody from these countries for quite some time and it‘s essential to BWC to keep in contact with all of its members at all times.   

The GA approved the report.

5. Literary event in Visby in 2020: new ideas and possibilities

The GA discussed several ideas about the possible literary event in Visby in 2020 and decided that the next literary event will be about Belorusian literature.

The GA formed a working group to prepare this literary event: Justyna Czechowska, Dmiti Plax, Tiit Aleksejev, Viveka Sjögren. The working group will be responsible for the program and searching for possible funding.

6. Membership questions.

5.1. New and old members. Ukrainian writers are not organised yet, but are interested in becoming a member of BWC. Danish Writers Union are not members; we will work on it to ask them back.

The organisations of Norway and Iceland are back. They have paid all the time.

5.2. Membership fee.

Proposal: to raise the membership fee to 200 euros. Reduction fee will be 150 Euros.

Vote: 10 – for raising the fee, 1 – against, 1 – neutral

The GA decided that the membership fee will be raised to 200 euros.

7. BCWT news by Lena Pasternak, director of BCWT.

During 2018 200 writers stayed at the centre, representing 32 countries, altogether 3000 guest days.  85% residents were from the Baltic Sea countries, 15% other countries, incl. Africa, Canada, China. There have been also writers from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran. 

The stay for the writers is free. There is a good cooperation with Estonian Writers Union which is offering scholarships for staying in Visby. The same is with German translators’ organisation. Swedish Institute is supporting the stay of Belarusian writers. The BCWT has no European funding at the moment.

In 2018 the house was renovated. The renovating was covered by Gotland County. Windows and floors were renovated; it was the refreshment that was needed.

Several seminars, workshops and project were organised and are ongoing. E.g. a project about “Multilingual literature and readers” organised with Uppsala university; Swedish-Lithuanian translation workshop etc.

The has also been active collaboration with schools from Gotland. 

The webpage of the Centre is in the renewals process. BCWT  is a member of network of centres RECIT.

Summing up, BWTC is a centre for cultural diplomacy, cultural exchange. The strength of the centre – it is a house built by writers and translators, it is a place to visit for work and contemplation.

.Lunch 13-14

Results of the working group.

Thw working group proposed the following schedule; first ideas until the end of May 2019. All materials should be ready by March 2020. The literary event should concentrate on 3 main topics – Belorusian language, literature and translation.

8. Reports from member-organizations. The delegates from each organization presented reports. A few reports were left for tomorrow’s session. The delegates were asked to send their reports via e-mail. See Appendix.

7. 1. Justyna Czechowska (Polish Association of Literary Translators )

7.2. Taina Helkamo (The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters).

7.3. Anne Rutanen and Satu Lundelin (The Association of Finnish Non-Fiction Writers)

7.4. Hannu Niklander (Finnish Writers Union)

Another concern for Finnish Writers Union is the status of national languages in Finland. A standpoint has been sent to newspapers that national languages – Finnish, Swedish, Saami – are loosing their position for English.

Tiit Aleksejev remarked that the same problem is in Estonia and Anne Rutanen said that for non-fiction writers in Finland this has already happened.

There was a discussion about the role of national languages in Baltic sea countries. The GA expressed a mutual concern about the situation.

7.5. Tiit Aleksejev (Estonian Writers Union)

7. 6. Marius Burokas (Lithuanian Writers Union)

7.7. Barys Piatrovich (The Union of Belarusian Writers)

7. 8. Malin Kivelä (Society of Swedish Authors in Finland)

7.9. Hilde Lyng (Norwegian Association of Literary Translators)

The session was ended at about 16.00.

The GA was resumed on Sunday April 28th 2019 at 10:00.

Sunday April 28th 2019


  • Reports from member-organizations continues.
  • Treasurer’s report by Mudite Treimane the Treasurer of BWC.
  • Auditor’s report.
  • Election of the BWC Board members: Kazimiera Astratoviene (retiring by rotation, willing to continue), Piret Viires (retiring by rotation, willing to continue), Viveka Sjögren (retiring by rotation, willing to continue).
  • Election of an auditor. 
  • Nominations for the board of the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators
  • Other issues.
  • Date of the next GA.
  • Closing the GA.
  • Reports from the member organisations. See Appendix.

8.1. Anna-Säflund Orstadius (Swedish Writers’ Union) 

8.2. Kazimiera Astratoviene (Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators)

9.  Teasurer’s report by Mudite Treimane the Treasurer of BWC. The Treasurer Mudite Treimane presented the finances of 2018 and the budget of 2020.

The income of 2018 was 31 500,81 SEK, the expenses of 2018 was 19 397.

There is surplus 12 039 SEK from the year 2017, and a surplus of 12103,18 SEK from the year 2018, surplus TOTAL 24 142,93.

The literary event’s costs were covered by donations from the Association of Non-fiction writers’ 9740,10 SEK, the Society of Swedish Authors in Finland 9835,60 SEK, The Union of Finnish Writers 9725,40 SEK, total 29 301,10. The costs of organising the literary event “Open House in Visby” was 29 301,10 SEK. The balance was 0.

Income were more than planned, the debts have been paid. Membership fee – 2018, 1 member has not paid; 2019, 11 members have not paid – but they will pay during the second half of the year.

GA the costs a little bit bigger than planned. There were travel expenses included.

Literary event’s costs were covered by donations, they were enough.

The economy is stable, 78 379 SEK is in the bank account.

The board proposed the budget for 2020 – BWC activities 40 000 SEK (income membership fees). Expenses in the budget: Administration 10 000 SEK, General Assembly 16 000 SEK, Homepage 1000 SEK, Literary event: 13 000. TOTAL: 40 000

10. Auditor’s report. The auditors were Justyna Czechowska and Johanna Sandberg. Justyna Czechowska presented the Auditor’s report. The auditor found the books in order, finances were used according to the purposes and the board was granted freedom of responsibility.

After hearing the Treasurer’s report and Auditor’s report General Assembly approved unanimously the finances of 2018 and the budget  for 2020. – 40 000 SEK.

11.  Reports from member organizations continued. See Appendix.

11.1.  Mudite Treimane (Latvian Writers´ Union)

12. Election of Baltic Writers Council board members.

Election of the BWC Board members: Kazimiera Astratoviene (retiring by rotation, willing to continue), Piret Viires (retiring by rotation, willing to continue), Viveka Sjögren (retiring by rotation, willing to continue).

As the result of the elections Kazimiera Astratoviene, Piret Viires and Viveka Sjögren Malin Kivelä were elected to the board.

13. Election of Auditors.

Johanna Sandberg is continuing and  Justyna Czechowska was elected auditor.

14. Nominations for the board of the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators Centre for the 2 years.

As the result of the elections Marius Burokas and Dmitri Plax were nominated to the board of the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators.  Malin Kivela and Mudite Treimane were elected as deputies.

15. Other issues.

Justyna Czechowska summed up the round table about translation and concluded that it had been successful and the aim of the round table was met.

It was decided that the working group will prepare a manifesto stressing the importance of literary translations and it will be sent to the members.

Open discussion about the role of BWC.

Kazimiera Astratoviene informed the GA about the board’s decision about the next year’s literary event. The board decided if there will be not enough donations, the literary event will be of a smaller scale according to the available finances.

The GA agreed with this decision.

16. Date of the next GA.

The GA decided that the next assembly will be on 24-26th April 2020.

17. Closing the GA.

The GA was closed at 13.07

Kazimiera Astratoviene                                              Piret Viires

Chairperson                                                                                      Secretary

Round table discussion dedicated to the work and situation of literary translators around Baltic region

Date: Friday 26th April, 2019 

Time: 15.00-18.00 with a break

Venue: Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators


Agreements with publishers
Visibility and credits


Hilde Lyng, The Norwegian Association of Literary Translators Mårten Westö, Society of Swedish Authors in Finland
Mrs. Magnea J. Matthiasdottir, The Icelandic Writers Union
Mudite Treimane, Writers Union of Latvia
Justyna Czechowska, Polish Literary Translators Association
Taina Helkamo, Finnish Translators Union
Kazimiera Astratovienė, Association of Lithuanian Translators
Dmitri Plax, Union of Belarusian Writers
Ingrid Velbaum-Staub, Estonian Writers Union
Anna Säflund-Orstadius, Swedish Writers Unio

Every participant will have 5 minutes to present the situation in his/her country connected to the following issues and after that a discussion and questions from the audience will follow.

Moderator of a discussion – Justyna Czechowska. 

The goal of the Round table is to prepare a proposal of a common statement of how the problems should be solved in the future and how the event should be followed within the BWC.

The Round table working group
Justyna Czechowska, Dmitri Plax, Jegor Fetisov, Taina Helkamo

BWC GA Agenda 2019


Saturday April 27th

11.00-16.00 Meeting with a lunch break

  • Opening of the General Assembly. Short presentation of every participant.
  • Approval of the Agenda.
  • Election of the chairperson and the secretary of the GA.
  • Activity report by Kazimiera Astratovienė, the chair of BWC.
  • Literary event in Visby in 2020: new ideas and possibilities.   
  • Membership questions. Membership fee for the following year.
  • BCWT news by Lena Pasternak, director of BCWT.
  • Reports from member-organizations (each report max. 5 min).

Sunday April 28th


•    Treasurer’s report by Mudite Treimane the Treasurer of BWC.

  • Auditor’s report.
  • Reports from member-organizations continues.
  • Election of the BWC Board members: Kazimiera Astratoviene (retiring by rotation, not willing to continue), Piret Viires (retiring by rotation, not willing to continue), Viveka Sjögren (retiring by rotation, willing to continue).
  • Election of an auditor.  
  • Other issues.
  • Date of the next GA.
  • Closing the GA.

The minutes of bwc ga 2018

Baltic Writers Council (BWC), General Assembly 2018

Time and place: 21–22 April 2018, Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, Uddens gränd 3, 621 56 Visby, Sweden.

The following representatives of the 12 member organisations were present: Swedish Writers’ Union (Viveka Sjögren),  The Union of Finnish Writers (Sirpä Kähkönen, Suvi Oinonen), Society of Swedish Writers in Finland (Peter Sandström, Johanna Sandberg, Malin Kivelä), The Finnish Association of Finnish Non-Fiction Writers (Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen), The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (Taina Helkamo), Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators (Kazimiera Astratoviene), Lithuanian Writers’ Union (Marius Burokas), Estonian Writers’ Union (Tiit Aleksejev, Piret Viires),  Latvian Writers’ Union (Mudite Treimane), Polish Assciation of Literary Translators (Justyna Czechowska), The Union of Belarusian Writers (Dmitri Plax), St Petersburg Writers’ Union (Jegor Fetisov). Lena Pasternak was representing the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators. Halyna Kruk was invited as the representative of Ukrainian PEN.

Saturday April 21st 2018

10.00-16.00 Meeting with a lunch break

Agenda of the General Assembly

• Opening of the General Assembly. Short presentation of every participant.

• Approval of the Agenda.

• Election of the chairperson and the secretary of the GA.

• Activity report by Kazimiera Astratovienė, the chair of BWC: “Organizing literary event „Open House in Visby“: finding strength and support inside BWC.” 

• Membership questions. Membership fee for the following year. Ukraine‘s possible membership in BWC.

• BCWT news by Lena Pasternak, director of BCWT.

• Reports from member-organizations (each report max. 5 min).


1. The Chairperson of BWC Kazimiera Astratoviene opened the meeting at 10:00 on Saturday April 21st 2018. The participants of the meeting shortly presented themselves, Lena introduced the logistics of the day and reading in the evening.

2. The Agenda of the meeting was approved by the Assembly.

3. Kazimiera Astratoviene was elected chairperson for the meeting, Piret Viires was elected secretary.

4. The Chairperson of the BWC, Kazimiera Astratoviene, presented the activity report for BWC, for the year of 2017“Organizing literary event „Open House in Visby“: finding strength and support inside BWC” :

The General Assembly of 2017 for the Baltic Writers Council was arranged on 28th–29th of April in Visby, Gotland. 14 persons representing 11 organisations from 7 countries took part in the meeting.

During last year‘s GA the most important issue was literary event in Visby in 2018. It was decided to have a minor event there in the House, asking BWC member-organizations to invite poets, writers and translators and to cover their travel and accommodation costs. It also seemed important to have someone from Ukraine as an invited guest if only it will be possible due to our financial situation.

One of the biggest challenges was getting a funding for the event. With a help of The Association of Finnish Non-fiction Writers represented by a vice-chairperson Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen BWC received a donation: The Society of Swedish Authors in Finland, The Union of Finnish Writers, The Association of Finnish Non-fiction Writers supported the event financially – each of these organizations donated 1000 euros, so in the beginning of October 2017 we had 3000 euros and could proceed organizing the event.

3000 euros seemed enough to have an invited guest from Ukraine as it was planned. Ukrainian poet, translator and a children‘s book writer Halyna Kruk was invited to take part in the event „Open House in Visby“. And Society of Swedish Authors in Finland, Swedish Writers’ Union, Estonian Writers’ Union, Finnish Writers’ Union, Latvian Writers’ Union, Lithuanian Writers’ Union was willing to send their representatives to take part in the readings. So this evening we will have the pleasure listening to them.

It was wonderful to find strength inside BWC, members supported and sent performers to the literary event „Open House in Visby“. This all was an excellent example of collaboration.

The GA approved the report.

5. Membership questions.

5.1. The GA decided that the membership fee is the same as previous years, 150 euros.

5.2. Possible Ukrainian membership. There was a discussion about membership of Ukrainian organization. Halyna Kruk, who was representing Ukraine, informed the GA that Ukrainian Writers Association started to proceeded to get legal status last year. There is also a new association of translators are also getting a legal status.

THE GA decided that the question should be discussed again next year. Meanwhile Kazimiera Astratoviene and Halyna Kruk will be in touch to monitor the situation. Dmitri Plax noted that The Union of Belarusian Writers is supporting Ukrainian membership in BWC.

5.3. Other membership issues.

Jegor Fetisov suggested to contact Danish writers union and ask if they would like to join BWC again. Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen noted that BWC has several members from Norway, but they have not come here. However, they pay their fees.

The GA decided that Norwegians should be approached individually.

6. BCWT news by Lena Pasternak, director of BCWT.

During 2017 213 writers stayed at the centre, representing 26 countries, altogether 3000 guest days. 50% of them were writers, 50% translators. 85% residents were from the Baltic countries, 15% Africa, Canada, China – rest of the world. 67% women, 33 % men.

Sweden is most present here, but also several residents from Germany and Russia. There have been 2 projects with Russia (Russian translators workshop and Swedish-Russian writers meeting). There was also a seminar for French-Swedish translators with the support from Arts Council. Several seminars are planned (eg. seminar about Bergman, seminar for Lithuanian translators etc).

A Baltic Sea cooperation is going on with Estonian Writers’ Union and Ventspils House. The application for funding has been submitted.

There are scholarships available for Belorussian writers supported by Swedish Institute.

Estonian Writes’ Union offers 4 scholarships, also German Translators fund offers scholarships.

BCWT  is a member of network of centers RECIT, Ventspils is a new member now, also Estonia Writers’ Union is considering joining.

There has been fruitful cooperation in Visby with International Centre of Composers, Baltic Art Centre and with local library in Almendalen. Also there is good cooperation with schools.

The budget of BCWT is 2 million SEK, 75% is supported by Arts council. Region Gotland is supporting with 400000 SEK. BWCT has two full-time employees. There is challenge to get the money for renovations; perhaps it is possible to get donations for the renovations.

BWTC is a centre for cultural diplomacy, cultural exchange. The strength of the centre – it is a house built by writers and translators, it is a place to visit for work and contemplation.

7. Reports from member-organizations. The delegates from each organization presented reports. A few reports were left for tomorrow’s session. The delegates were asked to send their reports via e-mail. See Appendix.

7. 1. Tiit Aleksejev (Estonian Writers Union)

7. 2. Marius Burokas (Lithuanian Writers Union)

7. 3. Jegor Fetisov (St. Petersburg Writers’ Union)

7. 4. Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen (The Association of Finnish Non-Fiction Writers)

7. 5. Peter Sandström (Society of Swedish Authors in Finland)

Lunch break 13.00

Country reports continue 14.30

7. 6 Suvi Oinonen (Finnish Writers Union)

7. 7. Taina Helkamo (The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters)

7. 8. Dmitri Plax (The Union of Belarusian Writers)

7. 9. Justyna Czechowska (Polish Association of Literary Translators )

7. 10. Viveka Sjögren (Swedish Writers’ Union)

The session was ended at about 16.00.

The GA was resumed on Sunday April 22nd 2018 at 10:00.

Sunday April 22nd 2018

10.00-13.00 Meeting

  • Treasurer’s report by Mudite Treimane the Treasurer of BWC.
  • Auditor’s report.
  • Reports from member-organizations continue.
  • Election of the BWC Board members: Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen (retiring by rotation), Mudite Treimane (retiring by rotation).
  • Election of an auditor.
  • Other issues.
  • Date of the next GA.
  • Closing the GA.

8.  Teasurer’s report by Mudite Treimane the Treasurer of BWC. The Treasurer Mudite Treimane presented the finances of 2017 and the budget of 2018 and 2019. There is surplus 12 039 SEK from the year 2017.

The economy is stable, 79 683 SEK is in the bank account.

GA agreed the BWC would pay an amount to BWTC for the administration and give the board the right to decide the amount.

GA accepted the budget for 2018:

BWC activities 26 000 SEK (income membership fees), Literary event “Open house in Visby” 29 301,10 SEK

GA accepted the budget for 2019 – BWC activities 26 000 SEK (income membership fees).

Membership fee – 2017, 2 members have not paid; 2018, 7 members have not paid.

9. Auditors report. Justyna Czechowska and Lena Pasternak presented the Auditors report. The auditor found the books in order, finances were used according to the purposes and the board was granted freedom of responsibility.

After hearing the Treasurer’s report and Auditor’s report General Assembly approved unanimously the finances of 2017 and the budgets for 2018 and 2019.

10.  Reports from member organizations continued. See Appendix.

10.1. Kazimiera Astratoviene (Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators)

After the report there was a discussion about translators’ situation.  The GA made a suggestion to organise a roundtable on translators situation during the GA in 2019.

The GA formed a working group to prepare this roundtable: Justyna Czechowska, Dmiti Plax, Jegor Fetisov, Taina Helkamo.

10.2.  Mudite Treimane (Latvian Writers´ Union)

11. Election of Baltic Writers Council board members.

• Election of the BWC Board members: Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen (retiring by rotation), Mudite Treimane (retiring by rotation).

As the result of the elections Malin Kivelä and Mudite Treimane  were elected to the board.

12. Election of Auditors.

Johanna Sandberg and Justyna Czechowska were elected auditors.

13. Other issues.

15.1 Travel grant. No restrictions in applying, but the board decides.

15.2. Jegor made a suggestion to organise seminars of translators of Russian literature  in Visby.  GA decided that we will come back to it in 2019.

14. Date for the next GA was decided to be 26th–28th April 2019, 26th roundtable for translators, 27th-28th 2019 GA.

15. The session and GA was ended at 12.30.

Kazimiera Astratoviene                                              Piret Viires

Chairperson                                                                                      Secretary


Baltic Writers Council (BWC), General Assembly 21–22 April 2018

Country Reports

  1. Tiit Aleksejev (Estonian Writers Union)

In October 2017 the Estonian Writers’ Union celebrated its 95th anniversary. There was also confirmation from the Estonian state that it is possible to continue with the project of writers’ salaries (12 salaries, 1000 eur netto a month + social guarantees). These salaries give writers a chance to focus on writing. The Council who selects the authors consists of representatives of Estonian Writers’ Union, National Library, and Estonian Literature Centre etc. Right now there are 6 male authors and 6 female authors who have received the salaries.

There has been collaboration with Finnish Writers’ Union as well as collaboration with Sanasto. Finnish organisations have advised how to proceed with PLR is Estonia. Right now the sum for remuneration in Estonia is 125 000 EUR, in Finland the sum is 15 million.

There has also been active cooperation with three Baltic writers’ unions, meeting in Riga, seminar in Käsmu. The cooperation is financed by Nordic Council.

London Book Fair 2018 was a success story, as the Baltic countries were the main guests in the fair. There was a successful communication between Baltic countries. After the book fair there was held a literary event –  EstLitFest, which was also very popular.

Right now there are 327 members in the Estonian Writers’ Union, including writers, translators, literary scholars etc.

Estonian Writers’ Union belong to two international frameworks – Baltic Writers’ Council and European Writers’ Council. Chairman Tiit Aleksejev is a board member of EWC.

  • Marius Burokas (Lithuanian Writers’ Union)

A statistical look: at this time, the Lithuanian Writer’s Union has 366 members, comprised of 232 men and 134 women. From last year into this one, it lost 9 members, while 4 were accepted.

2017 was an important year for writers and the Union because of many international events. Last year saw feverish activity in preparation for the London Book Fair of 2018, where Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were special Market Focus guests: 19 books by Lithuanian authors were translated into English.

Also one of the Lithuanian literature festivals – Druskininkai Poetic Fall was shortlisted for London Book Fair Excellence Awards as one of the best literary festivals (together with the Polish Conrad festival and George Town Literary Festival from Malaysia). Last year the DPF got the international recognition – EFFE (Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe) label for 2017-2018 years. This quality label is given to festivals with an artistic commitment, involvement in their local communities and a European and global outlook.

The Lithuanian Writers Foundation residency program was successfully continued in 2017. Five translators of Lithuanian literature (Anita van der Molen (Netherlsnds), Sotirios Suliotis (Greece), Claudia Sinnig (Germany), Małgorzata Gierałtowska (Poland) and Ana Gerasimova (Russia) were invited to spend a month in Palanga to translate into their primary languages.

Lithuanian Writers Foundation also organized Lithuanian literature translation workshops in Warsaw and Riga universities Baltic studies centres. Lithuanian Writers Union continued it’s usual activities in schools and with young and emerging writers: there were “Reading Hours” with Lithuanian writers in ethnic minorities schools, there were translation workshops called “The Literary Dietine” in Poland Lithuanian speaking island in Seinai.

A continuing project is the “Summer Academy” in which high school writers from throughout Lithuania are invited to the Writer’s Union summer retreats at Nida or Palanga for a week where they take part in writing workshops, listen to a series of lectures on Lithuanian literature, and work together with writers and critics

With the assistance of the Writer’s Union, our writers continued to participate in literature and poetry festivals in other countries. Also there was a German embassy funded bilingual poetry festival and workshop „Between Tongues“, organized by a poet and translator Schirin Nowroussian and Lithuanian Writers Union. There were international bilingual poetry readings in Writers Union and the multilingual almanac was published by Writers Foundation.

Georgian translators project “The Sails of Lithuanian Literature” whose goal was to translate a large amount of Lithuanian literary works into Georgian was also successfully conducted last year. There was a special Lithuanian edition of Georgian literary magazine „Apra“ (Sails) which was presented to Georgian readers and audience.

Last year Lithuanian Writers Union joined a totally new project – “Baltic countires Writers Unions network”. There was a meeting in Riga with members of Latvian and Estonian Writers Unions, where representatives decided on closer collaboration and joint projects. Next meeting was this year in Estonia, in Käsmu, where was agreed on further meetings in Lithuania and Latvia. There will be translation workshops, joint events and other.

The publishing house of the Lithuanian Writer’s Union continues to release more Lithuanian prose and poetry than any other publishers. 56 books were published in 2017, 34 by Lithuanian authors, including 14 poetry books as well as 1 poetry collection in Lithuanian translation. Unfortunately, state support for publication is continuously dwindling – last year only 12 books out of 41 were supported by the state, only one fourth of what was asked for.

The literary press supported by Lithuanian culture foundations and by the Writer’s Union has been in a dismal condition – lack of funds as always. Anyway, they are continuing their fight for survival and better financing. Culture weekly „Literatūra ir menas“ (Literature and Art) caused a scandal publishing a totally empty issue with blank pages. Lithuanian  Council for Culture  and the Press, Radio and Television Support Foundation was caught in that scandal and, it seems, the foundation would be reorganized this year. Literatūra ir menas is still alive, but continuing as biweekly.

The weekly publication of the Writer’s Union, Metai changed it’s design and the magazine of Lithuanian literature in English – Vilnius Review, continued to publish the best of recent Lithuanian literature. The print edition – anthology of the best Lithuanian writing – was also published in 2017. Vilnius Review also started filming poetry videos of poets, reading in their favourite locations. Videos are subtitled in English.

As is customary, Lithuania hosted two major poetry festivals – Poetry Spring and Druskininkai Poetic Fall. The 52st international Poetry Spring took place as always over the last two weeks of May. A handful of guests from abroad took part, and Lithuanian authors travelled to Switzerland, Ireland, Great Britain, France, Poland, and Russia to read their poems.

The theme of the Druskininkai Poetic Fall festival last year was “Women and Men in Literature: Contexts of Imagination”. Discussions in public and in social media began even before the Festival events. After many years it was the theme important for all people in literature field and even not only in Literature field. The discussion on this theme on Friday was the beginning of the Festival. Literature critics, feminist rights activists, writers and other guests discussed on situation in Lithuania and the world. The festival anthology published 14 guests from USA, Japan, Israel, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, other countries. Also 6 poets from Lithuania were presented to the audience. The anthology also published laureates of the previous year as well as work from visiting Versopolis poets.

  •  Egor Fetisov (St. Petersburg Writers’ Union)

I represent the Union of the Saint Petersburg writers. I understand that it is very boring to listen to the report about the union activities in 2017, but let me take three minutes of your time.

As of today there are 482 members at the Union of the Saint Petersburg writers. 67 of  them have joined for the last three years.

In December 2017 at the General assembly the majority of votes were cast for novel and drama writer Valery Popov. He was reelected for next 3 years as the head of the union.

As always there were many presentations, exhibitions and meetings in 2017 and beginning of 2018.

It was also the year when St. Petersburg writers got a number of literature prizes. Evgeny Vodolazkin gor a historical-litterature prize “Clio”, which is awarded to the writers who reflect the historical background of the country. Another Saint Petersburg writer Alexander Melikhov got a prizq, awarded by the literature magazine “Zvezda” for his essays. And the famous writer Daniil Granin, who is well known for his novels ”The bison” and “Into the storm” got the “State prize of the Russian Federation”. Unfortunately he died soon after the ceremony at the age of 98. Granin was an important era of St. Petersburg literature, a moral example for many generations of the readers. His bitter and truthful memories about the 2nd world war and the Siege of Leningrad are reflected in his works. His other main works are “My lieutenant” and “A book of the Blockade”, which was written together with Alesj Adamovich.

Recently The XV-th international “Festival of humor” took place in Saint Petersburg. The festival included a competition for the short-story-writers called “Red nose 2018”. This time it was awarded to the playwriter Nadezhda Ptushkina from Moscow.

Now about fantasy and science fiction. In October 2017 Belyaev festival took place in Saint Petersburg. It is an important literature competition named after a famous science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev.

St. Petersburg is going to apply for a UNESCO competition World book capital-2020. It can provide unique opportunity for the city to be promoted in the world of books. Saint Petersburg has good chances to win this competition thanks to many events which take place in the city. For example, annual St. Petersburg book fair, that you can visit next month, Book avenue on Malaya Konyushennya street, mobile library in the underground. It is a rather interesting thing. If you are travelling on orange underground line in Saint Petersburg, you can follow the instructions and login to the site where you can download free of charge 100 modern books. The Saint Petersburg union of the writers got back the right to represent its books in the big bookstore in the center of the city, called “writers’ book store”. The book store opened its subsidiaries in Serbia, Belorussia and Greece, where saint-petersburg writers are now represented.

Our union actively cooperates with foreign counterparts and publishing houses. There was a number of international meetings and presentations in 2017, such as a meeting with Cathrine Lovey, a psychologist and writer from France, a presentation of magazines “metamorphoses”, Minsk, Belorussia;  “Verb”, Russian-language magazine in Paris, France; “Milky Way” (Israel), and a presentation of poetry volume “A voice of woman”, published in Finnish, Swedish and Russian.

Сreative writing seminars continue their work. A new seminar of young free verse (vers libre) poets “Dereveter; Treewind” under the guidance of Olga Turkina was launched in 2017. Another seminar “Young St. Petersburg” for school pupils and young writers by Roman Vsevolodov who himself writes prose for children and youth, has been successfully working.

Every year we organize exhibitions in the House of writers called Writers – artists“. They include presentation of paintings made by writers as well as presentation of new books.

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the literature for kids in Russia we have been working on a volume of short stories by St. Petersburg children’s writers under a name “Christmas Tree 1918-2018”.

A workshop of drama writers published in 2017 a volume of theatre plays by modern St. Petersburg writers. A volume of short stories about St. Petersburg called “City 812” is well under way.

Gogol’s prize continue its work. The big jury will select books in 3 niminations, prize will be awarded as always at St. Petersburg international book fair in May.

Despite limited financial resources St. Petersburg union of writers sets the tone of all literature activities of the city and participates in all important events of the literature life of Russia.

  •  Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen (The Association of Finnish Non-Fiction Writers)

The Association awarded almost EUR 2.3 million in grants. These grants are financed out of copying fees collected by the Kopiosto Copyright Society. This will remain as the record level, because photocopying is declining fast and digital copying is not replacing it. Added to which, pictures and magazines are being copied more than non-fiction books in the digital world.

A course for writers of non-fiction was held for the sixth time. The topics of the six-day training were non-fiction culture in general, non-fiction writing skills, copyrights and publishing agreements, being a non-fiction writer, publishing skills, and digital publication. Training in other subjects was also arranged. The courses in non-fiction books and pictures, and in social media, for example, proved popular.

In January 2019, the Association is to publish an article collection entitled “The New School”. Based on research findings, it will report what is known about teaching and learning and the practical experience so far gained. One example of this is the increase in online teaching. It is a topical work now that digitalisation is changing the nature of teaching materials, and now that non-fiction books have entered the senior high-school curriculum for Finnish language and literature. The Association produced two book catalogues as an aid for teachers.

One of the catalogues gives recommended reading for the senior high-school. It was published in August 2016 in an edition of 10,000 and distributed to, among others, all teachers of Finnish language and literature. It was also published in digital format on the Association website. A new edition is to be published in August 2018.

The other catalogue, published in January 2017, gave suggestions for the lower school and pre-school. A new edition is to be published in January 2019.

Together with the Tammi Publishing House we launched a writing competition for children’s and teenage non-fiction. Not enough non-fiction is published for them in Finland. The winners were announced at the Helsinki Book Fair in October 2017 and the first books will be published next autumn.

Commercial companies publish only one third of Finland’s non-fiction. Non-fiction books are also published by educational and research institutions, museums, libraries and archives, the public administration, associations, non-governmental organisations and foundations.

There are also many ‘stakeholder publishers’ for whom publishing is not their core business. They nevertheless publish literature that supports this business. An example is the City of Helsinki, which publishes 80 non-fiction books per year; this would be enough to place it in the top 12 list of commercial publishers.

The volume of self publishing is growing and the average quality is improving. Some non-fiction writers have no alternative but to publish their books themselves, because the commercial publishers have reduced their number of titles. Many coaches and consultants are able to sell their books themselves, so they prefer to publish them, too.

Printing costs have fallen dramatically in this age of digitalisation, so the financial potential for publishing at the writer’s expense has improved. Marketing is easy in social media if a book has a clearly-defined target readership.

Writers earn little. Royalties are small. Hence the need for library lending fees, copying fees and grants. Luckily, quite a few non-fiction writers have a second occupation, as teachers, university lecturers, researchers, journalists, coaches and consultants. The number of freelancers, i.e. self-employed persons, has risen rapidly due to, among other things, the sweeping changes taking place in the media.

The highlight of 2017 was TIETOKIRJA.FI, a non-fiction festival held in Helsinki for the sixth time on August 30–31, 2017. Over these two days, the festival featured more than 100 non-fiction writers and enthusiasts. The events were open to the public and free. It was full house almost all the time.

Finland’s next parliamentary elections will be held in April 2019 and we are in the process of writing our aims for the government programme. As in the run-up to the two previous elections, we will be arranging 13 political panel debates in various parts of Finland in late 2018 and early 2019. Four Members of Parliament from at least four parties will be invited to take part in these debates. The topics for discussion will be the role of non-fiction and textbooks and the importance of reading and education to the Finns’ wellbeing.

  •  Peter Sandström (Society of Swedish Authors in Finland)

Our union has approximately 200 members, all Finnish fiction writers who write in Swedish. The union was founded in 1919 so next year we celebrate our centennial. On the whole there is a big interest among new writers to apply for membership.

The general situation can be considered OK for fiction writers in Finland. Special issues for the Swedish-speaking writers must be seen through the fact that we are a language minority. People who speak Swedish as their mother-tongue represent 5,5 % of the population in Finland (approx. 300 000 out of 5,8 millions). This highlights the importance to for example make sure that the Swedish language is properly represented in commissions and committees that decide upon grants, prizes etc.

Our everyday work consists of routines about copyright issues, contracts, economical issues etc. To some extent we are also offering our service to non-members. We have one employee at the office in Helsinki, the Secretary General Johanna Sandberg as of May 2017. She followed long time Secretary General Merete Jensen who is now retired. Since 2013 Peter Sandström is the president of the society. Every year we have a party for all our members the same day as the  spring meeting which elects the board and decides on other important issues.

Being a small organization, and representing a language minority, it is very important for us to cooperate on different levels: domestic, Nordic, European and international. We do not want to be left alone.

  •  Suvi Oinonen (Finnish Writers Union)

Proceedings in Finland in 2017

Public Lending Right Compensation

The PLR compensations for authors are handled and dealt in Finland by copyright society Sanasto. In 2012, Sanasto carried out an extensive and highly successive campaign in order to get the total sum of the compensation raised. in 2012 compensation was 3,6 million €

All Finnish political parties committed themselves to raising the compensation and when Finland celebrated its 100 anniversary the PLR compensation raised to 14 million euros.

2017 Annual Report of the Union of Finnish Writers

The Union of Finnish Writers, founded in 1897, is an organization for Finnish-language fiction writers. At the end of 2017 the Union had 765 members.

The Board of the Union consists of a President, Sirpa Kähkönen, and of eight members and four deputy members. The executive director is Suvi Oinonen, and the office staff consists of totally five persons for example lawyer who helps members with contracts. Unions purpose is to develop the material and non-material conditions of writers’ work as well as to promote Finnish literature.

Highlights in 2017

The Union had a historian working for three years to write the history of the Union. Book named Kivelle perustettu was published last October.

Information services and different kind of events for writers

The Union has a lawyer, whose main task is to help members to solve their various professional problems with contracts, social security issues, or taxes.

In 2017, eleven events were arranged and conducted by the Union for the members on various themes and issues.

Literary Events

The Union planned and organized a several-day literary programme for both of the two major Finnish book fairs, in Turku and in Helsinki, in October. More than 100 writers, most of them members of the Union, participated as lecturers or readers, interviewees etc.

In 2017 Union also arranged five literary events in five different towns in Finland. Miten kirjani ovat syntyneet – how my books were born and these events reached over 300 people.

  • Taina Helkamo (The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters)

Promotion of interests/lobbying

A long-sought-for change for the better was achieved in 2017: “The Lending Based Remuneration” (remuneration based on lending frequency to individual authors and translators for the loans of library books to the public) payable in Finland was brought up to the level of the other Nordic countries. The higher compensation was paid out for the first time in early 2018.

The lobbying was mainly carried out by the Finnish literary copyright society Sanasto in co-operation with the literary organisations of authors and translators.

SKTL has also participated in the Finnish literary copyright society Sanasto’s work of influencing the EU and national decision-makers in order to have Article 12 in the DSM Directive Proposal removed or at least revised. As it is proposed, the article is disadvantageous to authors and translators. This work continues in 2018. The President of SKTL, Heikki Karjalainen, is also President of the Finnish literary copyright society Sanasto; thus, SKTL takes an active part in the lobbying.

SKTL participated in celebration of Finland’s 100th anniversary in 2017

In 2017, Finland celebrated its 100th anniversary as an independent country. Citizens and organisations were invited to participate in the celebration with their own programme and to apply for the inclusion of their projects as part of the official anniversary programme. SKTL contributed with a series of nine lectures on translating and interpreting in co-operation with five universities, one university of applied sciences and the Finnish National Agency for Education. Each event consisted of an academic lecture followed by a more practice-related presentation. The topics covered literary translation during the independence process and in the first years of independence, and translation was also discussed as a necessary element in the building up of culture, science and common knowledge.

Education and information for translators

In co-operation with FILI (Finnish Literature Exchange), SKTL organised a four-day Finnish-English-Finnish Summer School for translators in the summer. SKTL’s section for literary translators arranged several meetings and events on a variety of topics for its members.

Information to the public

The celebration of Finland’s 100th anniversary mentioned above was mainly designed for the purposes of “marketing” SKTL and the field. Several other events and happenings were intended to serve as information to the public. In particular, discussion evenings with authors and their translators attracted sizeable audiences, as did a lecture series on Finnish translations and translators of French literature.SKTL has a stand on two Book Fairs in Finland every year, both in Helsinki and Turku, and contributes actively to the fair programmes.

News from the administration of SKTL

New by-laws were adopted in 2017, and they are effective since 1 January 2018. The most important change was the reduction of the number of Board members from 12 to 9. The General Assembly also adopted a new document, the Code of Ethics, as binding guidelines for all SKTL’s members.

Code of ethics in English:

  •  Dmitri Plax (The Union of Belarusian Writers)

In 2017, there were no positive changes in the authorities’ attitude towards civil society. Dialogue with civil society was of a random and pinpoint character. In February 2017, due to the sharp deterioration of the economic situation and the accepted tax on the unemployed (President’s Decree №3), spontaneous protest actions, as well as those organized with the assistance of the opposition, began to take place all over the country.

At this moment, the authorities tried to apply their repressive methods against the writers of the independent Union of Belarusan Writers. Several weeks prior to the 17th Congress of the UBW, they published “Addition to President’s Decree №3” that excluded the union of writers from the List of creative organizations of Belarus, i.e. UBW writers were now equated with the unemployed and had to pay the so-called “unemployment tax”. The UBW accepted several appeals to the authorities and sent an appeal to the Council of the Ministry of Culture. As a result of negotiations with the Ministry and official correspondence, members of the independent Union of Belarusan Writers were reinstated in their rights. In this aspect, power decided not to aggravate the confrontation with the literary community.

In 2017, the KGB fabricated the case of the activity of the patriotic-sports organization “White Legion”, which stopped its existence in the beginning of the 2000s. On the eve of the March 25th action, more than 20 people were arrested. Some of these people already lost all contacts with each other long time ago. This situation affected directly the UBW and its publishing and book distribution activity. Mirasḷaŭ Ḷazoŭskі was one of the main figurants of the Case. He has been cooperating for many years with the Union of Belarusan Writers in the direction of book distribution and has his work place in the office of the organization. Viktar Daniḷaŭ, who is Ḷazoŭskі’s assistant, bookseller and driver, was arrested, too. One of the closest partners of the UBW – Aleś Jaŭdacha, director of the independent Internet bookshop – was arrested as well.

After their detention, both International Public Society “Belarusans’ World Association «Baćkaŭščyna»” («Homeland») and UBW were preparing for searches – actually the offices of these organizations were paralyzed for several weeks. Employees continued to work from their houses. The prisoners got the freedoom the day before the OSCE summit that took place in the beginning of July in Minsk.

In any country, the cultural sphere is the foundation of the development of the consciousness and unity of the nation, but in the state building of Belarus it traditionally occupies the last place (on pages of the state-run mass media and in Belarus’ budget) and is used for the sake of the state ideology. The majority of means in 2018 will be directed to finance force structures and to strengthen the ideological control, including the state-run television.

The term “soft Belarusanization” is still voiced by some representatives of the public and by the authorities, but it is not supported by real steps and changes in the work of the latter. It is particularly obvious in the education sphere that still remains Russian-speaking; textbooks on humanitarian sciences are basically oriented achievements of Russian culture and science.

Despite this difficult situation in Belarus, the Union of Belarusian Writers does its best to promote Belarusian literature to the wide range of readers in Belarus and abroad.

Our activities in 2017

In March 2017 the 17th congress of the Union of Belarusan Writers took its place. At this Congress the new Counsil was elected and the Chairperson was re-elected for the next term.

8 literary awards and not less than 40 winners;

5 festivals, among which the women poetry festival festival “Sign of Equality” took its place for the first time;

32 new books, including 7 books for children and audio books;

12 issues of “Literary Belarus”;

6 issues of “Dziejaslou”;

2 creative grants, 7 grant-aided students, and for the first time – 3 women literary grants;

20 new students at the Young Writers School, 82 applications for training, more than 4 people for one place;

5 seminars on authors’ rights in regions, where the new-issued brochure was presented;

43,397 users and 162,411 hits of the web-site from 10 countries of the world;

More than 400 events all across Belarus with participation of more than 23,805 people;

Not less than 100 mentions of the UBW in the Belarusan and foreign press with the coverage of not less than 100,000 readers.

  •  Justyna Czechowska (Polish Association of Literary Translators )

Between 6 October 2015 and 23 April 2017 the Polish Literary Translators Association (STL) has undertaken the following actions:

– founded the annual Hieronymus Lion award to publishers friendly toward literary translators, and awarded it to Wydawnictwo Czarne (2016) and Książkowe Klimaty (2017)

– provided patronage to the “Imago Mundi” conference at the University of Warsaw, which included a panel discussion with literary translators

– provided patronage and co-organized “Wiersze w metrze” 2016 [Poems on the Underground] campaign

– provided patronage to the Warsaw Book Fair, where the 2016 Hieronymus Lion award was presented; the fair also featured a panel discussion with literary translators and the conclusion of the competition aimed at students for the best review of a translated book

– produced bags and badges promoting STL and the role of the translator for the Warsaw Book Fair 2016

– set up an STL stall at the Warsaw Book Fair 2016 where readers could meet translators, buy STL gadgets and see books STL provided patronage to

– provided patronage to the Ryszard Kapuściński Award for the best book of literary reportage; as part of the partnership STL organized a lesson in a Warsaw secondary school with Iwona Zimnicka, a nominated translator

– provided patronage to the “Culture in Transfer” conference at the University of Wrocław

– were the main organizer of the 2016 International Translation Day; 11 lessons by literary translators, including STL members, were held in Warsaw secondary schools; in the evening Klancyk improv theatre performed a show based on a book of interviews with literary translators by Adam Pluszka

– provided patronage and co-organized the 2016 “European Poet of Freedom” festival in Gdańsk

– co-organized the 2017 “Found in Translation” festival in Gdańsk and participated in panels at the festival

– provided patronage to the 2016 International Short Story Festival in Wrocław and to the translation competition for translators before their book debut

– STL member Justyna Czechowska together with Kultura Liberalna foundation organized and hosted a series literary meetings “Poddasze Kultury. Piątek: literatura”

– provided patronage to 6 books translated and/or edited by STL members

– STL members Dominika Cieśla, Rafał Lisowski and Adam Pluszka took part in a discussion panel on the legal and financial situation of literary translators at the international conference organized by the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw; STL also provided patronage to the conference

– STL members talked about the association and the situation of translators in the press and on the radio

– published interviews with STL translators of the month on the association’s website

– produced and published a series of internet videos with STL members detailing their reasons for joining the association (

– organized Swedish literary translation workshops between October 2015 and June 2016 and between October 2016 and May 2017 in partnership with Swedish Embassy

– organized 2-day negotiation workshops for translators conducted by a psychologist/psychotherapist

– organized a series of social meetings for members and friends of the association

– moderated the literary translators forum on Facebook

– expanded the knowledge base on the association’s website, including an FAQ on public lending rights remuneration, which was introduced in Poland in 2016

– obtained a 30% discount on legal counsel for STL members in a Warsaw law firm specializing in copyrights

– co-organized a training concerning the analysis of publishing contracts conducted by a copyrights lawyer

– intervened in matters of copyright violation and provided legal advice

– wrote a letter to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage concerning changes in tax law

– ran the association’s website and Facebook page

– distributed a newsletter to STL members and sympathizers

– joined the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators (April 2016)

– STL member Justyna Czechowska participated in the 2016 CEATL annual general meeting in Barcelona

10. Viveka Sjögren (Swedish Writers’ Union)

Swedish Writers’ Union Annual Report 2017

Report written by Gunnar Ardelius

Chair of the Swedish Writers’ Union

In accordance with the statutes, the Writers’ Union is there to protect writers’ freedom of expression and strengthen members’ working conditions as writers and translators.

Major events in 2017 included a historically large increase in the Public Lending Right (PLR), the stranding of the translators’ framework agreement, #Metoo, copyrights within the EU, intensified international solidarity with vulnerable colleagues, and a substantial breakthrough in public opinion and the media regarding the Union’s issues.

During the spring, the Writers’ Union negotiated the basic PLR amounts for 2018 and 2019. The agreement made in April 2017 means that the basic amount of royalty paid when original Swedish works are borrowed has increased by eight öre to SEK 1.68 for 2018 and by another eight öre to SEK 1.76 for 2019. All in all, the total amount of PLR will increase by just under SEK 7 million to about SEK 163.8 million in 2018 and by another SEK 7.8 million to around SEK 171.6 million in 2019. This good outcome is the result of long-term lobbying, both before and during the term of the current government, where the Writers’ Union has insistently stressed the democratic value of literature and the role of libraries.

There was some turbulence during 2017 regarding the translators’ agreement. The framework agreement between the Swedish Writers’ Union and the Swedish Publishers’ Association was terminated by the latter party during the spring and the agreement expired at Midsummer. Nevertheless, most publishers have continued to use the “standard agreement” to the delight of the translators. The main exception was Bonnierförlagen who launched their own agreement in August. That agreement implied such a worsening of terms that the Translators’ Section felt they had to advise translators not to sign it. At the end of November, the Writers’ Union issued a dissuasion which drew attention from both the media and the publishing sector but, in particular, it generated huge commitment and solidarity among members. The process gave rise to discussions between the Union and Bonnierförlagen, the aim of which was to reach a mutually established agreement.

The European Writers Council is an association of European writers and translators organisations, representing more than 160,000 writers and translators from 34 countries. At the annual meeting in Barcelona in June, Gunnar Ardelius was elected as Chair. Renewed efforts regarding freedom of expression in Europe and work linked to the EU directive regarding digital copyright have had high priority on the Council’s agenda. The 2018 annual meeting will be held in Minsk to support the work of the independent Belarusian writers’ union.

The Swedish Writers’ Union organised a very well-attended discussion evening on #Metoo with a panel discussion and readings by female writers. Shortly thereafter, the Union Board appointed a working group whose task is to draw up documents and policies that will give members protection, knowledge and preparedness regarding sexual harassment and increase equality within the book industry. Chair Gunnar Ardelius contacted the Publishers’ Association and bookstore organisations to try to bring about a common practice within the industry.  

The Book Fair in Gothenburg aroused passionate engagement among members concerning the question of attending or boycotting the fair because of the presence of the extreme right newspaper Nya Tider. The Writers’ Union gave its support to all members irrespective of standpoint. A meeting was arranged for members to be able to discuss the matter. The Writers’ Union took part in the book fair as planned with a programme for members and the general public. The Union also participated in the parallel event “Scener och samtal”.

The Sami working group has been active. Bágo in Books, the Sami festival of literature in Jokkmokk on 16-18 November, was 2017’s most important happening. The Union Board attended the event. During the festival, it was announced that a centre of literature (FC Sápmi) will be created thanks to funding from Postkodlotteriet, Region Norrbotten, Jokkmokk municipality and the Swedish Arts Council. The procedure whereby the Writers’ Union has two Sami representatives was made permanent.

Together with Sweden’s arts councillor in Moscow, Stefan Ingvarsson, the Union organised a conference for Russian-Swedish writers and translators at the end of October at the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators in Visby, the purpose of which was to protect free expression and promote literary interchange. Willing support was provided by the Swedish Academy, Swedish Arts Council and Swedish Institute. Four Russian and four Swedish writers and four literary translators, two from each language area, all with different political and professional starting points, participated in a three-day workshop.

On account of an invitation from the Swedish embassy, a delegation visited Peking in April. The purpose of the trip was to establish contacts with Chinese writers and translators in order to increase awareness of Swedish literature in China and vice versa. Freedom of expression, censorship and copyright were high up on the agenda.

In September, a manifestation of support was organised outside the Chinese embassy in Stockholm for Swedish citizen Gui Minhai. He is still being held in prison without having had a trial and he has still not been given the right to have a lawyer. He has been forced to “admit” his crimes several times on China’s state television.

In September, another manifestation of support was held for freedom of expression in Turkey where there has been rapid deterioration. Media institutions are being closed down one after another and self-censorship has become an everyday occurrence. In August, Swedish citizen Hamza Yalcin was imprisoned in Spain after Turkey had initiated a search via Interpol. After protests by the Writers’ Union and several sister organisations, Yalcin was released and able to return to Sweden.

Cooperation with various writing and publishing courses at Stockholm University has resulted in many prospective union members and prospective colleagues in the book industry visiting the Författarnas hus building to acquaint themselves with the Writers’ Union’s activities.

  1. Kazimiera Astratoviene (Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators)

The Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators was founded in 2004, so now our organization if fourteen years old, it has 120 members and many of its activities already became traditional, they are an important part of the cultural life of Vilnius city.

For example, it is hard to imagine Vilnius Book Fair without the election of the best translated book of the year. This year as many times before experts (literary translators and critics) made the long list of 25 books and present the best translated book of the year, elected by readers from the long list. Many readers are using the long list for selecting the books, so the competition reached its goal – to help readers select the most significant works of world literature, promote reading. And even to popularize the profession of a literary translator. 

It is also traditional to announce that a year is dedicated to certain literature: we already had Asian literature, Ukrainian literature, Hungarian literature, Polish literature years. And 2017 was declared the Year of Italian literature. There were organized seminars and discussions with the literary translators from Italian language, readings of the books translated from Italian, also the competition for young translators from Italian has been organized.

Our Assocation also has many awards for translators and not only them: it‘s St Jerome Awards to a literary translator for his/her translations into the Lithuanian language as well as to a translator from the Lithuanian language; awards to the editor of fiction and humanitarian literature for the lifetime achievements; award to a novice translator for the best translation début; Bičiulių or Friends Award which is given to an individual or an organization for contributing substantially to artistic translation during the recent year. And one more – award for a best movie texts‘ translator of the year. The partner of this award is popular movie festival „Movie spring“. In this occasion seminar for movie texts‘ translators were also conducted.  

One more bit of news is that The Association started to publish the online magazine called Hieronymus: its aim is to publish most valuable texts of prose and poetry translated from different languages, focus on the most important literary news, also publish interviews with the translators and translation reviews.

As many of you already know, our Assocation has one more award and it‘s the most famous or even notoriuos. It‘s the Antiprize. It can be given to a translator, editor, publisher or a bookshop for a poor or inaccurate translation, for a distortion of a translated text by an editor, for a disrespect for a translated text or a profession of translator. This year for the first time the Antiprize went to the politician Algirdas Sysas for a proposal to increase taxes for the authors. The reason for that was the idea that the authors need to pay the same taxes as everybody else in order to have a pension and a payed holidays. But in reality bigger taxes for authors doesn‘t mean more social guaranties, because an author still doesn‘t have an employer, so all the taxes he pays by himself. It once more proved that politicians in Lithuania doesn‘t have a clue how authors work, what are their real income and why are they an important part of the society. Unfortunatelly the most common belief is that authors must support themselves or become employed. In many cases they are treated as a burden for a society, for the tax payers.  

  1. Mudite Treimane (Latvian Writers´ Union)

Latvian Writers’ Union unites 252 poets, prose writers, playwrights, literary scholars, critics and translators. Writers’ Union popularizes and supports Latvian literature and its authors and arranges different literary events at the premises of the Union. It also supports its members’ participation in different literary festivals and programs, readings, conferences, creative workshops.

The Union has its office also in Liepāja (in Kurzeme region). A regional literary magazine VĀRDS (The Word) is published by Liepāja writers. Writers’ Union co-operates with International Writers’ and Translators’ House (Ventspils House).

Latvian Ministry of Culture supports the membership of Latvian Writers’ Union in 3 international organizations: BWC, EWC and Three Seas.

Latvian Writers’ Union is one of the founding members of ENLIT (European Network for Literary Translation).

The co-operation with Lithuanian and Estonian Writers’ Unions is renewed again!

Since April 2017 Latvian Writers’ Union publishes the monthly literary newspaper “conTEXT” (concerning all literature genres).

A literary magazine DOMUZĪME (Dash) comes out 4 times a year, but is not published by Latvian Writers’ Union).

“The Process” is series of readings and talks, which started at the end of 2016 at the premises of Writers’ Union. The aim of readings was to come together regularly for authors to read new texts, to discuss the process of creation and current themes.

Latvian Writers’ Union for the 2nd time was the organizer of very popular literary event PROSE READNGS, which goes on for several days in different places in Riga. It is a yearly festival, taking place at the beginning of December, which has become popular year by year. Latvian writers as well as guest writers of different generations read their latest, unpublished works or fragments of them.

The Annual Latvian Literature Award (LALIGABA) is the most important literary award in Latvia organized by Latvian Writers’ Union and Ventspils House. Each year the award is given to Latvian authors for the best prose and poetry books, the best children’s books, the best translations of foreign literature into Latvian, and the best debut in literature. Also the award for lifetime achievements is given every year.

Latvian Writers’ Union in 2017 organized Poetry festival(the largest literary festival in Latvia) which was supported by State Cultural Endowment and Riga City Council. The festival programme included readings of young poets, poetry slam, classical poetry evenings, master-classes and readings of foreign guests. The programmes were traditional and experimental ones with many different events, devoted to poetry.

The programme Literary Academy  (with the support of Latvian Ministry of Culture) still continues to give the possibilities to authors – eager to go in for prose, poetry and playwriting – to attend courses, lectures, seminars and master-classes. It becomes popular year after year.

The programme of the Academy was carried out by the Writers’ Union and supported by Latvian Ministry of Culture. The activities were taking place at the premises of Writers’ Union.  Authors had sent in their written works to literary competitions, they had taken part in seminars and master-classes. Activities of Literary Academytook place also in Kurzeme and in Latgale.

When Latvian Literature Centre ceased to exist, Writers’ Union took over part of the Centre’s functions. One of them is the three-year program “Support for Foreign Publishers Publishing Latvian Literature”. The Program has been and still is developed, organized and administered by Latvian Writers’ Union.

The “Latvian Literature platform was established in order to promote recognition of Latvian literature and its distribution abroad, thus ensuring international cooperation among publishers, literary agents, writers, translators, and organisations working in the fields of literature and publishing.

The platform was created in a partnership of three chief institutions sharing the main functions – the International Writers and Translators House, the Latvian Writers’ Union, and the Latvian Publishers’ Association.

From 10 -12 April 2018 Latvia, along with the other two Baltic States – Estonia and Lithuania –, will be participating in the London Book Fair as Market Focus country.

ResidencyVentspils House is still popular – not only in Latvia but also abroad.

It continues to cooperate with permanent partners: Pro Helvetia (Switzerland), literary organisation Free Word Centre (London), translators house Looren (Switzerland), BCWT (Visby), Norden. The House has become a member of RECIT (a network of European literary translation centres) and Res Artis (Worldwide Network of Artist Residencies). Ventspils House cooperates with different festivals.

In 2017 different activities had taken place: not only in the House, but also in Ventspils town organized by the House. Literary events (concerning literature and translation): poetry and prose readings, seminars and concerts with participation of the residents and local writers and artists.

The House has regular cooperation with cultural organizations of Ventspils town and region, Ventspils cultural centre, cultural societies, Ventspils University College and libraries. 

Ventspils House continues to promote translation of Latvian literature in other languages and attends Book Fairs in Frankfurt, London, Gothenburg, Bologna.

In addition Ventspils House has organized an award ceremony not only for The Annual Latvian Literature Award but also for The International Jānis Baltvilks Baltic Sea Region Award, which is the most important literary award for achievements in children’s literature in Latvia.

Participants of the literary event „Open House in Visby“

Halyna Kruk, special guest from Ukraine.
Halyna Kruk is a poet, translator, and children’s book writer from Lviv. She is an author of five poetry books, the latest – An Adult Women, 2017. She has been published widely in literary journals and won two Ukrainian literary awards. Her poems were translated into more than 20 languages. In 2003 she won the Step by Step international competition for children’s books. Her Marko Travels Around the World and The Littlest One have been translated into 15 languages. She is a vice-president of the Ukrainian PEN and a professor of literary studies at Lviv National University.

Malin Kivelä, Society of Swedish Authors in Finland.
Malin Kivelä (b. 1974) is a Finland-Swedish author born and based in Helsinki. She has published three acclaimed novels as well as books for children and plays. Her works have been translated into Finnish, Danish and Russian. She is looking for ways to describe the unspeakable and face the uncomfortable. She is currently working on her fourth novel which is to be published in 2019.

Henning Brüllhoff, Swedish Writers’ Union.
Henning Brüllhoff (born in 1973) grew up i Huddinge south of Stockholm and has attended several courses in fiction writing, among them two years at Nordens folkhögskola at Biskops-Arnö. He has also been a teacher of fictional writing at Folkuniversitetet in Stockholm. At present he combines his writing with work as a professional communicator at Stockholm university. In 2016 he won Katapultpriset for his debut novel, Allt jag begär.

Veronika Kivisilla, Estonian Writers’ Union.
Veronika Kivisilla is a poet, storyteller and bard. Kivisilla has compiled textbooks and songbooks; organized literary festivals and numerous events. A musician, she has performed in medieval- and folk-music ensembles. Veronika Kivisilla made her debut in 2011 and has so far published three collections of poetry.  Her poetry conveys the image of an author, whose humour takes note of small but important everyday details, and who rejoices in the world around us in a rich, enchanting language. Kivisilla’s 2015 collection “Cantus firmus“ was nominated for the best poetry book by the Estonian Cultural Endowment. She has performed her poetry at various festivals abroad, in Helsinki, Visby, Zagreb, London, Warsaw and also in the poetry portal.

Sirpa Kähkönen, Finnish Writers Union.
Sirpa Kähkönen is well known about her historical novels. She is above all an exceptional portrayer of women and children, their challenges and experiences, and the life of civilians in a time of crisis. Kähkönen also writes plays and non-ficton. Sirpa Kähkönen has been shortlisted for both Nordic Council Literature Prize and The Finlandia Prize with her novels. Kähkönen is currently the President of The Union of Finnish Writers.

Egīls Venters, Latvian Writers Union.
Latvian prose writer Egīls Venters (1964) will attend the reading, and read a fragment in English of his novel. Egīls Venters is also a member of the Latvian Writers’ Union board. His debut was a collection of short stories „Melnā sērija”/ Black Series (1992), followed by a collection of novellas „Melanholijas skaidrojošā vārdnīca”/ The Dictionary of Melancholia (2000), followed by the novels Āgenskalns (2004), and Radio Luxembourg (2007). Novel “Mainīgā intervence”/ Changing Intervention (2012) was nominated for Latvian Literature Award 2013. It received Dz. Sodums prize for innovations in literature 2013. The latest collection of short stories Poseidona galva/ The Head of Poseidon was published in 2017. There has also been published a collection of essays Zemeslēkts/ Earth-rise (2010).

Antanas A. Jonynas, Lithuanian Writers Union.
Antanas A. Jonynas is a poet and translator who was born in Vilnius in 1953. He graduated Vilnius University with a degree in Lithuanian language and literature. He worked for almost twenty years as an editor for the publisher Vaga, then two years as a moderator for a TV show on culture. From 2011-2018, Jonynas headed the Lithuanian Writers Union. He is a member of Lithuanian PEN. Jonynas has published seventeen poetry books and has won numerous prizes, including the prestigious Lithuanian National Prize for Culture and Art. He has translated poetry, prose, and drama from German, Russian, Latvian and Ukrainian; among his translations is Goethe’s Faust. His own poetry has been translated into twenty languages, more or less, with books published in English, German, Russian, French and Bambaran. He lives as a writer in Vilnius.

Marius Burokas, Lithuanian Writers Union. 
Marius Burokas (b. 1977) is a poet, freelance writer, translator and editor-in-chief of online magazine of Lithuanian literature “Vilnius Review”. He is the author of three poetry books (the most recent I‘ve Learned Not To Be (Išmokau nebūti) was published in 2011). His fourth poetry book “of clean being” (švaraus buvimo) is forthcoming in 2018. His selected poetry book in English “Now I Understand” was published by “Parthian Books” in 2018. His poetry has been translated into Polish, Russian, Slovenian, English, German, French, Ukrainian and other languages. Marius Burokas translated poetry of American, Canadian, Australian poets and others (Charles Simic, Walter S. Merwin, William Carlos Williams, Charles Bukowski, Ted Hughes, Alan Ginsberg, etc.).

Kazimiera Astratovienė, The Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators.
Kazimiera Astratovienė (b. 1981) is a literary translator, writer from Vilnius. She graduated Vilnius University with a degree in Lithuanian language and literature. She is a member of The Lithuanian Association of literary translators, as a Board member of the Association in 2012–2016 she coordinated many of its cultural and literary projects. She published her poetry, interviews with literary translators and articles about translation in literary magazines. Her first novel „Seven generations“ (Septynios kartos) was published in 2016 and won a literary award for the best fiction book of a young writer. She is a Chair of Baltic Writers Council since 2015.


Date: Saturday 21st April, 2018
Venue: Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators
18.00-18.10 Opening words by Lena Pasternak (Sweden), director of the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, and Kazimiera Astratoviene (Lithuania), chair of the Baltic Writers’ Council.
18.15–18.30 Key-note: Halyna Kruk (Ukraine): “Last trends in contemporary Ukrainian literature: art and human experiences of war”.
18.30–19.30 Readings:
18.30–18.45 Veronika Kivisilla (Estonia)
18.45–18.55 Henning Brüllhoff (Sweden)
18.55–19.05 Sirpa Kähkönen (Finland)
19.05–19.15 Egīls Venters (Latvia)
19.15–19.30 Antanas A. Jonynas (Lithuania)
19.30–20.00 Break with refreshments
20.00–20.40 Readings continue:
20.00–20.10 Marius Burokas (Lithuania)
20.10–20.20 Kazimiera Astratovienė (Lithuania)
20.20–20.30 Malin Kivelä (Finland)
20.30–20.40 Halyna Kruk (Ukraine)
21.00 Dinner

Moderator – Lena Pasternak
Arranged by Baltic Writers’ Council and Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators
Supported by The Association of Finnish Non-fiction Writers, The Society of Swedish Authors in Finland and The Union of Finnish Writers


Saturday April 21st
10.00-16.00 Meeting with a lunch break
• Opening of the General Assembly. Short presentation of every participant.
• Approval of the Agenda.
• Election of the chairperson and the secretary of the GA.
• Activity report by Kazimiera Astratovienė, the chair of BWC.
• Organizing literary event „Open House in Visby“: finding strengh and support inside BWC.
• Membership questions. Membership fee for the following year. Ukraine‘s possible membership in BWC.
• BCWT news by Lena Pasternak, director of BCWT.
• Reports from member-organizations (each report max. 5 min).
Sunday April 22nd
10.00-13.00 Meeting
• Treasurer’s report by Mudite Treimane the Treasurer of BWC.
• Auditor’s report.
• Reports from member-organizations continues.
• Reports continue.
• Election of the BWC Board members: Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen (retiring by rotation), Mudite Treimane (retiring by rotation).
• Election of an auditor.
• Other issues.
• Date of the next GA.
• Closing the GA.

Baltic Writers Council (BWC), General Assembly 2017

Time and place: 28–29 April 2017, Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, Uddens gränd 3, 621 56 Visby, Sweden.
The following representatives of organisations were present: Swedish Writers’ Union (Viveka Sjögren), The Union of Finnish Writers (Jyrki Vainonen, Hannu Niklander), Society of Swedish Writes in Finland (Malin Kivelä), The Finnish Association of Finnish Non-Fiction Writers (Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen), Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators (Kazimiera Astratoviene), Lithuanian Writers’ Union (Marius Burokas), Estonian Writers’ Union (Tiit Aleksejev, Piret Viires) Latvian Writers’ Union (Mudite Treimane), Association of Polish Writers (Bogdan Baran), Polish Assciation of Literary Translators (Justyna Czechowska), The Union of Belarusian Writers (Aliaksandra Dvaretskaya). Lena Pasternak was representing the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators.
1. The Chairperson of BWC Kazimiera Astratoviene opened the meeting at 13:00 on Friday April 28th 2017. The participants of the meeting shortly presented themselves.
2. The Agenda of the meeting was approved by the Assembly.
3. Kazimiera Astratoviene was elected chairperson for the meeting, Piret Viires was elected secretary.
4. The Chairperson of the BWC, Kazimiera Astratoviene, presented the activity report for BWC, for the year of 2016:
“Last year BWC had an extended GA on 22nd–24th of April, it took place in Visby. The meeting began with a cultural event organized by the Baltic Writers Council and the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators.
The name and the theme of the event was “Literary Encounters in Europe: Them and Us”, it took place in the Almadalen Library and included discussions on burning topics and readings of poetry, prose and non-fiction.
It was decided to invite Stina Oscarson, Swedish dramatic, author and social commentator as a key-note speaker, she delivered a speech on a topic “Can culture prevent violence?”
For the first time there was a non-fiction session organized: journalist and foreign correspondent Stig Fredrikson discussed the topic “Russia and the border states today” together with editor Kalle Kniivilä, and Russian journalist and academic Artemy Troitsky. The whole program of the event can be found on the website of BWC so I will not go into further details. But I would like to once more thank all the participants and those who helped with a preparation of the event or the fund raising.
From my point of view, that the event was a successful and inspiring one and the main reason for that was a collaboration between the Baltic Writers Council and Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators. And the contribution of the Finnish Assocation of Non-Fiction Writers was essential. It is also important to note that we had a Campus Gotland University as our partner.
Applications for seminar funding were sent to the Nordic Cultural Fund, Swedish-finnish culture fund (Svenska kulturfonden), Finnish Art Promoting Centre (Taike) and Swedish Writers’ Union. Finnish Art Promoting Centre provided us 2000 euro, Nordic Cultural Fund, Swedish-Finnish culture fund and Swedish Writers’ Union didn’t grant us. Besides, Campus Gotland Uppsala University granted us 10 000 Swedish Crowns and Non-fiction Promotion Centre Finland paid the costs of the non-fiction session “Russia and the Boder States Today” (approx. 1600 euros).
So the whole event costed about 36 thousand Swedish crowns, and we used 18 thousand from the budget of BWC.
After the event, on 23rd–24th of April, the General Assembly of 2016 for the Baltic Writers Council was arranged. 14 persons representing 11 organisations from 7 countries took part in the meeting.
Last year Ukrainian writers were willing to join BWC but it was impossible due to their organization status, so me and Marius Burokas from the Lithuanian Writers Union were looking for different possibilities to help them in changing the status in order to become members. Also we made some investigation looking for other organizations in Ukraine suitable to become members. Sadly, without any results. It only seems possible to have Ukrainians as invited guests during the readings or a seminar arranged as part of cultural event (maybe even next year.)”
The GA approved the report.
5. Discussion about the extended GA 2018: what is our plan for the next year?
The participants of the GA discussed about the possible literary event in 2018. Kazimiera Astratoviene pointed that it is big challenge for a board to organize big literary events with no secured funding. After the discussion it was decided that in 2018 a smaller literary event will be organised, readings in the venue of Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators, preliminary title of it will be “Open House”. The event will be organised jointly by BWC and BCWT. BWC board tries to get some extra funding and invite performers from Ukraine. BWC member organisations are asked to send poets and readers to the event and cover their costs. GA decided that the details of the event, organising and funding should be the responsibility of the board.
Coffee break
The GA continued at 14.50.
6. Travel fund as a help for the members of BWC. The GA decided to create a travel fund as a possibility to apply for a grant to participate in the GA. The details of the creating the fund and the application procedure were left to decide for the board.
7. Membership questions. The GA decided that the membership fee is the same as previous years, 150 euros. Fortunately there are no late fees, all members have paid.
Discussion about membership of Ukrainian organization. It was decided to invite a member of Ukrainian organization to the literary event “Open House” and then discuss the matter during the GA in 2018.
8. BCWT news by Lena Pasternak, director of BCWT.
During 2016, 192 writers and translators stayed at the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators. 25% residents were from Sweden, also Norway, Finland, Estonia, Poland are on the top. 85% residents are from the Baltic Sea region, 15% from the rest of Europe and Africa. There have been translation workshops (e.g. collaboration with Moscow). Other events: Almendalen Week (politicians), workshop for women from East-African countries etc. Collaboration with schools, children are invited to the centre. Open house readings are organised all the year round. Interviews with writers and the aim of these interviews is to publish a book. BWTC is part of international network of European Writers’ and Translation Houses. Co-operation with Estonian Writers Union and German translators fund who issue scholarships for staying in Visby. Swedish Institute supports Serbian writers. Also there is co-operation with Belarus. BWTC is a centre for cultural diplomacy, cultural exchange and a strong actor in opinion building and language developing. The strength of the centre – it is a house built by writers and translators, it is a place to visit for work and contemplation.
9. Reports from member-organizations. The delegates from each organization presented reports. A few reports were left for tomorrow’s session. The delegates were asked to send their reports via e-mail. See Appendix.
The session was ended at about 17.00.
The GA was resumed on Saturday April 29th at 10:00.
10. Teasurer’s report by Mudite Treimane the Treasurer of BWC. The Treasurer Mudite Treimane presented the finances of 2016 and the budget of 2017. The economy is stable, all members have payed membership fee. The cultural event was supported by BWC and Finnish Arts Promoting Centre. The budget for 2017 is 26 000 SEK.
Travel support issue. The representative of Polish Association of Literary Translators Justyna Czechowska had applied for a travel support 200 EUR due to the financial difficulties of her organisation. The GA took a vote (9 for, 0 against, 0 neutral) and decided to grant Justyna Czechowska a travel support of 200 EUR. Justyna Czechowska left the room during the discussion and did not take part in the vote.
11. Auditors report. Justyna Czechowska and Lena Pasternak presented the Auditors report. The auditor found the books in excellent order, finances were used according to the purposes and the board was granted freedom of responsibility.
After hearing the Treasurer’s report and Auditor’s report General Assembly approved unanimously the finances of 2016 and the budget for 2017.
12. Reports from member organizations continued. See Appendix.
The session was ended for lunch break at 13:00
The session was resumed after lunch break at 14:00.
13. Elections.
Election of Baltic Writers Council board members.
Kazimiera Astratoviene (retiring by rotation). Heidi von Wright (retiring by rotation), Yulya Tsimafeyeva (retiring by rotation, cannot continue).
As the result of the elections Kazimiera Astratoviene (Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators) was re-elected to serve as a chairperson of BWC. Piret Viires (Estonian Writers Union) was elected to serve as a secretary of the board and Viveka Sjögren (Swedish Writers Union) was elected as a regular board member.
Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen (The Finnish Association of Finnish Non-Fiction Writers) is continuing as a vice chairman of BWC and Mudite Treimane (Latvian Writers Union) is continuing as a treasurer.
Election of The Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators board members.
The GA also elected two members to the Board of The Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators. Mudite Treimane and Yulya Tsimafeyeva were elected as board members and Hannu Niklander and Malin Kivelä as substitutes.
Election of Auditors.
Lena Pasternak and Justyna Czechowska were elected auditors.
14. Reports from member organizations continued. See Appendix.
15. Other issues.
The were no other issues to discuss.
16. Date for the next GA was decided to be 20th–22nd April 2018 with a smaller literary event included.
17. The session and GA was ended at 16.00.

Kazimiera Astratoviene              Piret Viires
Chairperson                                       Secretary

Baltic Writers Council (BWC), General Assembly 28–29 April 2017 Country Reports

Finnish Writers’ Union. Jyrki Vainola

Our union has approximately 750 members of Finnish fiction writers writing in Finnish.
The union was founded in 1897, so this year (2017) we’ll celebrate our 120th birthday and has been preparing the festive year throughout 2016.
In March we already had a series of literary nights in five cities in Finland (Tampere, Turku, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Oulu). In each night three different members of our union were discussing their writing and working methods in front of interested public audience. They were interviewed by another member of our union. The nights were a success, we had good and active audience in each city. Before the discussions I, as a president, gave some information of our union to the audience.
As connected to the celebrations, in May we will have a party for our members – every single one of them has been invited – in Helsinki. In May 1897, the first statutes of our union were accepted.
And in October the 10th, which is an official day for Finnish literature and a birthday of Aleksis Kivi, regarded as a founder of Finnish literature in Finnish, a history of our union will be published. It will be a first official history of the union of Finnish writers.
Otherwise, during the last year, our union has been active in defending copyright, and also writers’ right to a fee for performing, lecturing, reading etc.
The Finnish Association of Finnish Non-Fiction Writers. Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen
The Association awarded a record total of EUR 2.3 million in grants. These grants are financed out of copying fees collected by the Kopiosto Copyright Society. This will remain as the record, because photocopying is declining fast and digital copying is not replacing it. Added to which, pictures and magazines are being copied more than non-fiction books in the digital world.
A course for writers of non-fiction was held for the fifth time. The topics of the six-day training were non-fiction culture in general, non-fiction writing skills, copyrights and publishing agreements, being a non-fiction writer, publishing skills, and digital publication. Training in other subjects was also arranged. The courses in non-fiction books and pictures, and in social media, for example, proved popular.
The Association published an article collection entitled “The textbook in the construction of Finland” describing the changes taking place in Finnish textbooks and providing a picture of the influence of textbooks on the teaching of various subjects. It is
a topical work now that digitalisation is changing the nature of teaching materials. Familiarity with one’s roots is a good springboard for the digital leap.
Now, for the first time, non-fiction books have entered the senior high-school curriculum for Finnish language and literature. The Association produced two book catalogues as an aid for teachers.
One of the catalogues gives recommended reading for the senior high-school. It was published in an edition of 10,000 and distributed to, among others, all teachers of Finnish language and literature. It was also published in digital format on the Association website. The other catalogue gave suggestions for the lower school and pre-school.
Together with the Tammi Publishing House we have launched a writing competition for children’s and teenage non-fiction. Not enough non-fiction is published for them in Finland. The winners will be announced at the Helsinki Book Fair in October 2017.
Commercial companies publish only one third of Finland’s non-fiction. Non-fiction books are also published by educational and research institutions, museums, libraries and archives, the public administration, associations, NGOs and foundations.
There are also many ‘stakeholder publishers’ for whom publishing is not their core business. They nevertheless publish literature that supports this business. An example is the City of Helsinki, which publishes 80 non-fiction books per year; this would be enough to place it in the top 12 list of commercial publishers.
The volume of self publishing is growing and the average quality is improving. Some non-fiction writers have no alternative but to publish their books themselves, because the commercial publishers have reduced their number of titles. Many coaches and consultants are able to sell their books themselves, so they prefer to publish them, too.
Printing costs have fallen dramatically in this age of digitalisation, so the financial potential for publishing at the writer’s expense has improved. Marketing is easy in social media if a book has a clearly-defined target readership.
Parliament almost doubled the sum set aside for fees payable on loans from libraries, to become effective in 2017. It now stands at over EUR 15 million, is on the level of the other Nordic countries and includes loans from teaching and research libraries, too.
Writers earn little. Royalties are small. Hence the need for library lending fees, copying fees and grants. Luckily, quite a few non-fiction writers have a second occupation, as teachers, university lecturers, researchers, journalists, coaches and consultants. The number of freelancers, i.e. self-employed persons, has risen rapidly due to, among other things, the sweeping changes taking place in the media.
Our Association has been involved in many joint book projects preparing for 2017, when Finland celebrates one hundred years as an independent Republic. One project, Kirja-
Suomi 2017 (Book Finland 2017), will continue throughout the year and is aimed primarily at non-fiction. The highlight of the year will be TIETOKIRJA.FI, a non-fiction festival to be held in Helsinki for the sixth time on August 30–31, 2017. Over these two days, the festival will feature more than 100 non-fiction writers and enthusiasts. The events will be open to the public and free.
Together with the book organisations we have been investigating the economic impact of the book sector. Though a small sector, it has a wide influence on the national economy, society and culture.
Thanks to its schools, its general standard of education and know-how, Finland has become a welfare state. Literature has played a major part in this process. But how long will this last? The biggest threat at the moment is the decline in literacy. One 15-year-old boy in eight cannot read sufficiently well to permit access to secondary education. Something is wrong with our education system.
Association of Polish Writers. Bogdan Baran

The Polish Writers’ Association’s tradition refers to the tradition of the Trade Union of Polish Writers established in 1920.
The organisation was suspended during the World War II by Nazis and reactivated in 1945 as the Union of Polish Writers which was suspended by the communist authorities during martial law in 1981 and disbanded in 1983. Majority of prominent writers including the Nobel prize winners Szymborska and Miłosz decided not to join the writers’ organisation of the same name reestablished soon after, not wanting to support the government in this way. They formed in 1984 the illegal organisation under the present name registered in 1989 after the fall of the communist regime.
Our association counts about 900 members and is divided into nine branches in the main towns of Poland.
In 2016 our work was similar as before and consisted in organizing meetings with authors for the broad audience as well as literary symposia. Especially active is the Warsaw Branch in the House of Literature right in the center opposite the Royal Castle.
Our leading project is the Bruno Schulz Literary Prize which we are about to organize in cooperation with Hebrew Writers Association from Israel.
We used to cooperate with the Ministry of Culture but there are some impediments now caused by the political orientation of the Polish right-wing authorities.

Union of Belarusian Writers. Aliaksandra Dvaretskaya

I’d like to start with good news, but I cannot. There is a new wave of political prosecution in Belarus. After the period of semblant liberalization and the beginning of the long-awaited dialogue with democratic countries, again has Belarusian power
started to use violence towards peaceful demonstrators, public activists, and cultural figures, as well as to resort to arrests and beatings of nonviolent resistance participants.
The current systemic economic crisis in Belarus and a number of unpopular legislative measures on the part of the state, the most controversial of which is Decree №3 “About the prevention of social parasitism”, aggravated tensions in society that resulted in mass peaceful protest actions all around the country in February and March.
“Decree №3 “About the prevention of social parasitism” came into force in the beginning of the year. According to the decree if Belarusian citizens don’t work officially they must pay special tax. Considering that the economy of Belarus is in deep crises now there are a lot of unemployed here and a lot of people get law salaries, so they couldn’t pay this tax.
“Decree №3” concerned the interest of the Union of Belarusian writers also. But at the beginning I’ll tell a little about common situation in cultural sphere in my country. I must notice that according to the old Soviet tradition, culture in Belarus is perceived by power only as a tool aimed at attending upon state ideology. If culture does not perform this function, the authorities ignore it or think it is hostile. Therefore, in Belarus, there are two cultures – the state-run one, which is popularized through the state-run mass media, and the independent one, and it polarizes society very much.
As a result there are two writers’ unions in Belarus. One of them – which is ours – was created during the Soviet period, but it strongly supports democratic values, and the other one, which was created by power, is headed by a general of militia and ministers to the authorities. In 2006, our union was deprived of its premises – its building was given to the pro-state union. Also, there were several attempts to liquidate our organization. However, the authorities’ strategy was not successful – the majority of talented and professional authors remained members of our union. Our cooperation with the Swedish Union of Writers has helped very much our exchange of experiences, the professional growth of the union, and the activization of its activity. But it’s not easy to be a member of the Union of Belarusian writers sometimes. We also still have political prisoners in Belarus and although none of them is a writer or our Union member, you know, separate authors and journalists are being prosecuted. There is censorship. We still have problems with book distribution with a governmental monopolist distributor in Belarus. Also the black lists of writers are still in use.
So now I’ll return to “Decree №3”. According the decree, the representatives of the creative unions must not pay this tax. You know, as the Union of Belarusian writers is one of the oldest Belarusian public organization, we were absolutely sure that Unions’ members must not pay anything. But on February there is another Decree №7 came up on the web-site of the Ministry of Culture. There was the list of creative unions in this decree, but there were no place for the Union of Belarusian writers. According this decree, the members of the Union, who work as freelance writers only were automatically included into the number of “parasites” and must pay this tax.
The Union of Belarusian writers reacted this decree immediately and sent protest to the Ministry of Culture. A lot of Belarusian writers also sent their protest to support the Union. Finally the Union of Belarusian writer was included in the list of Belarusian creative unions.
Unfortunately, It wasn’t the first time since the beginning of the year when the Union force to defend not only its rights but the rights of another writers.
Every February Michaś Stralcoŭ International Poetry Festival “Poems on Pavement” is organized there in Minsk by The Union of Belarusian Writers and Belarusian Pen-Center. Poets from different countries as Belarus, Estonia, Germany, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Sweden, Finland etc usually take part in the festival events that traditionally include a poetry slam, literature readings and discussions, book presentations, musical concerts. This year among the foreign guests of the festival was famous Ukrainian poet Serhiy Zhadan. He was in Minsk just to attend a poetry festival but at about two o’clock in the morning, a police patrol broke into his hotel room. Without explaining anything, the police officers took Sergei Zhadan to a jail where he spent the rest of the night in a cell. He was put a stamp in the passport, banning entry to Belarus for an indefinite period and ordered to leave on the basis of a 2015 Russian entry ban that accused him of “involvement in terrorism”. Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia have a common list of personae non grate. However, after the official protests from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, from Belarusian independent creative unions (among them was the Union of Belarusian writers also) the Belarusian authorities annulled the ban on entry to Belarus for Zhadan. The decision was taken within hours.
It was in the beginning of February. As I said before the current systemic economic crisis in Belarus and a number of unpopular legislative measures on the part of the state aggravated tensions in society that resulted in mass peaceful protest actions all around the country in the end of February and March.
The answer of the state to this reaction of society, which is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, was about a thousand of arrested persons, hundreds of people condemned according to administrative articles – basically activists of non-state public organizations and journalists. Some of them were sentenced to up to 15 days of arrest, others were fined. Several people were beaten. Mass and brutal arrests are connected to peaceful protests against the tax on unemployment. Dozens of people had been preventively arrested on the eve of celebration of Dzien Voli (Independence Day, anniversary of creation of the Belarusian People’s Republic in 1918, annual and main opposition event in the country). Authorities did not allow the event, but on March 25th thousands of brave people went out to streets in Minsk and some other towns. The regime used brutal force against them. Minsk was full of police and armed special forces. Participants, journalists, human rights activists, observers, and just accidental passersby
were detained. Police was very rude and harsh even with old people and women. Detainees were humiliated, their rights were widely violated.
Unprecedented as for their scale and cruelty repressions were continued by the fabrication of a criminal case according to the Article called “The organization of mass riots” (Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, Article 293, Part 3) against 26 citizens, among whom there are politicians, public activists, distributors of Belarusian-language books whom our Union work with, as well as ordinary citizens. All of them were arrested preventively and had nothing to do with the organization and carrying-out of either previous protest actions, or celebrating of the Freedom Day on March 25th.
The detentions within the framework of the “Case of 26” were implemented violently and reminded of kidnappings by unknown persons in mufti. For a few days, relatives and lawyers had no information on where the prisoners were kept, on their state of health and the reasons of the arrest.
The 26 arrested people are incriminated the preparation and training of persons in order to take part in mass riots, for which they can receive from three to fifteen years of imprisonment. Representatives of Belarusian democratic society considered that this criminal case against these people is of exclusively political character, it is unsubstantiated and its only purpose is to frighten society and to distract its attention from the socially-economic problems in the country.
As about “Decree №3” protests were not useless – the period of time during which a person had to pay the tax has been changed. If a person doesn’t work in 2017, than the tax will have to be paid in 2018. But the decree wasn’t abolished completely.

Estonian Writers’ Union. Tiit Aleksejev

Estonian Writers’ Union considers participation in Baltic Writers’ Council and supporting Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators important issues.
In Estonia the most important breakthrough in 2016 was the expansion of writers’ salaries issued by the state. In 2016 4 writers’ salaries were added to the previous 5. So altogether, the state is providing 8 scholarships for writers and Estonian Writers’ Union added one scholarship. The total number of the grant holders now (1 grant for 3 years, including social security) is 9. In 2017 there is hope that some more scholarships will be added by the state.
In 2016 a competition of novel manuscripts was held. It was a supported by private money, Estonian companies financed the prizes and the work of the jury.
The biggest literary festival in Estonia is HeadRead – it has grown to a significant tradition and takes place in the end of May.
Important actor in Estonian cultural field is the Estonian Cultural Endowment, which is supporting literature, visual arts, music, theatre etc. Cultural Endowment issues also the
most prestigious literary awards. In 2016 more promotion was organised and the nominees of the literary prizes were highlighted in public and media.
As a conclusion, it can be said that literature is doing fine in Estonia. Also Estonian Writers’ Union is doing good and is financially stable and independent.
The Society of Swedish Writers in Finland. Malin Kivelä
There is a Swedish speaking population in Finland of 5,5% and Swedish is the other national language of Finland. This is due to historical reasons: Finland was a part of Sweden for hundreds of years and the ruling language was Swedish.
The Society of Swedish Writers in Finland was founded in 1919, so there will be a 100-year-celebration in 2019, with a historic review being published.
From the start the Society was described as a purely professional union of fiction writers, critics and essayists. The main aim was, and still is, to safeguard the general and economic interests of the Swedish-language writers in Finland and to promote Swedish-language literature in Finland. Problems confronting us at that time, as well as at present, are mostly economical, in addition to questions concerning copyright.
The Society can be joined by a Swedish-language writer in Finland who has published at least two original works of fiction in Swedish. The Society has 190 members today.
There are some questions about whether it would be possible to start accepting writers with other mother tongues than Finnish and Swedish into the Writers’ Societies of our country. It seems difficult at the moment, but alternatives are being discussed.
The situation for authors in Finland is good compared to most other countries. There are state grants of 0.5–5 years to be applied for, as well as private foundations who issue grants. Every Finnish citizen has free basic health care. Still the grant sums are about half of a normal salary, so it is difficult to really live off them. The most important issues for us are contracts between authors and publishers, exercising proper influence on copyright legislation, defending the free lending of books in public libraries and the compensation therefore to the authors (the Public Lending Right-system, PLR), working for more government grants to authors and more and bigger artists’ state pensions, social security for authors and a lower VAT on e-books as well as paper books.
It is of great importance to the writers to have representatives in committees and boards dealing with the topics above – governmental and private ones. The Society is well represented, and also co-operates closely with other similar organisations, such as the Union of Finnish Writers, translators’ and dramatists’ unions and many more, also internationally.
Our long time secretary general and treasurer Merete Jensen is retiring this summer. A new secretary general and treasurer, Johanna Sandberg, has been appointed and she has started to work alongside Merete.

Swedish Writers’ Union. Viveka Sjögren

Copying our basic information from our website:
“About us: The Swedish Writers’ Union is the central professional organization for writers and literary translators in Sweden. The union safeguards the economic and moral interests of the members by defending freedom of expression and of the press, and keeping up to date with copyright stipulations and the laws regulating copyright. The Swedish Writers’ Union promotes the right of the members to a reasonable return on their work by safeguarding their moral rights, seeing to it that their works are not misrepresented or made public in ways not intended by them as authors, by entering into agreements which give the members financial gain and provide for their social security, and by protecting and aiding our members when, in the practice of their profession, they find themselves in conflict with employers, commissioning parties or the authorities.
The Writers’ Union office provides extensive membership services. A member may consult the office for individual help with interpretation and negotiation of contracts and agreements, tax counselling, and other issues specific to the professional activities of writers and translators.
The Writers’ Union provides its members with free negotiation services on agreements and copyright disputes. The Writers’ union may also absorb the litigation expenses incurred in lawsuits, for example relating to freedom of the press, if the executive board considers the dispute to be of interest as a matter of principle.
The Swedish Association of Authors was founded in 1893, and was initially open to all writers. The bylaws were amended, however, during the 1930s, to some extent excluding translators and writers of non-fiction. This led to the founding of Minerva in 1946, the Association for Swedish Writers of Scientific Works and Works of Popular Science; the founding of The Swedish Association of Writers of Juvenile Literature in 1948; and the Swedish Association of Literary Translators in 1954. In 1956, these four associations merged to form the Swedish Central Organization of Free Literary Professionals (FLYCO), and in 1970 this organization was restructured into the present Swedish Writers’ Union.
Today, the Union has approximately 3 000 members. The office has been located in Stockholm, in the “Writers’ House” on Drottninggatan in the city centre, since 1989. The building also houses an international guest apartment with rooms for visiting writers and translators.
International Exchanges
The writers’ unions and organizations in other countries with which The Swedish Writers’ Union co-operates internationally include the Nordic Council of Writers and Translators and the European Writers’ Council.
The Swedish Writers’ Union also has a long history of exchanges with other writers’ and translators’ organizations, and with individual authors. It receives many visits each year from individual writers and delegations of writers from other nations wanting to learn about it’s activities and Swedish cultural policy, and to come into contact with Swedish literature and writers. The Writers’ Union also initiates study visits abroad for Swedish writers and translators.
In the early 1990s, The Swedish Writers’ Union and the other organizations for writers and translators in the countries around the Baltic Sea held a joint two-week seminar entitled “Waves of the Baltic Sea”, as a result of which the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators in Visby on the island of Gotland in the Baltic came into being. A similar seminar was held a couple of years later with authors and translators around the Black Sea and the Aegean, after which an equivalent centre was established on the island of Rhodes in the Aegean, Three Seas Writers’ and Translators’ Centre.
WALTIC (Writers’ and Literary Translators’ International Congress), an international congress to manifest “the value of words” was held in Stockholm, Sweden from 29 June to 2 July 2008. Authors, literary translators and scholars from all over the world met during the first WALTIC congress ever. WALTIC was organized by The Swedish Writers’ Union. A second WALTIC was held in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2010.”
And the information about the International Council, which I represent:
“The Swedish Writers ‘ Union’s international work from 2016 and onward
The international work within the Swedish Writers ‘ Union consists mainly of the following, the International Council (IR) being responsible for some:
• Contact and international cooperation with sister associations in other countries, and “umbrella” associations (other writer’s and translator’s associations as well as the BWTC, NFOR and EWC).
• Cooperation with ICORN and PEN, regarding actions for persecuted writers and translators and other issues such as safeguarding freedom of expression.
• Foreign delegations or single author visits.
• Member meetings and gatherings.
The International Council consists of one chairperson, two representatives from each section, taking turns in attendance and two from the Writer’s Union’s board. The work is assisted by the Secretary of the Writer’s Union.
IR holds meetings twice every semester.
IR receives and acts advisory regarding suggestions for collaborations and arrangements from other organizations, embassies, individual members or others.
IR administers and is responsible for contacts with ICORN, and the guest writers in sanctuary cities.
IR keeps contact with the Arts Council and the Swedish Institute in order to be updated on priorities and ongoing projects and to assist members planning to apply for funds to implement literary projects abroad or exchange projects with other countries.
(It is always ultimately the Swedish Writer’s Union Board that takes the final decision (based upon the preparatory work of the AU, sometimes together with IR) whether to support the individually initiated projects.)
IR holds an “autumn mingle” to which we invite organizations, associations, foundations, foreign embassies, etc. with a common interest in international and literary issues.
IR organizes member gatherings and seminars, both on its own and in collaboration with other sections.
IR collaborates with the Klas the Vylder’s Foundation for immigrant writers. Last year’s laureates were Shora Esmailian, Refik Licina och Anisur Rahman.
IR intends to participate with at least one seminar at the B&B-fair in Gothenburg. (This year our program will be held on another location than the bookfair)
IR along with the secretariat ensures that the Association’s list (located on the SFF home page) of international contacts, stipends and Guest houses both in and outside of Sweden, is kept up to date.”
The main issue at the moment is the presence of Nya Tider at the bookfair. Nya Tider is a right wing extreme populistic magazine with nazist and conspiracy opinions published once a week by AlternaMedia, by publisher Vávra Suk. Taking stand on either bojkotting the Bookfair for letting up place for Nya Tider, or going there to uphold democracy values has become a dividing topic within the community of writers and translators. The Writers’ Union itself has yet not decided in the matter, (So far the Writers’ Centre, some agencies and publishing houses, along with an increasing number writers and translators have decided not to attend.) An alternative bookfair is growing as a result of this, and will take place on other locations, such as Gothenburg University, Gothenburg Museum of World Culture and The Gothenburg Literary House.
And some good news, negotiations about the PLR remuneration have landed in a good increase for each library loan. The agreement : 2018 an increase of 8 öre to 1 krona and 68 öre and 2019 with additional 8 öre to 1 krona and 76 öre. This gives a total PLR 2018
around 163,8 million kronor. 2019: 171,6 million kronor, an increase of 7,8 million kronor compared to 2018.
Additional report of Swedish Writers’ Union’s activities in 2016 sent by Gunnar Ardelius, President of the Swedish Writers’ Union
In accordance with the statutes, the Union is there to protect the writers’ freedom of speech and to strengthen members’ working conditions as writers and translators.
2016 marked the 250th anniversary of the Riksdag introducing press freedom. In February, the Swedish Writers’ Union and the Swedish Publishers’ Association wrote a joint article in the Swedish daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet stating that Swedish press freedom must apply whether a text is published in a physical book or in an e-book.
Over the year, updated and modernised agreements have been signed with the publishers Norstedts, Bonniers and Atlas. The Swedish Writers’ Union also directed sharp criticism at the growing player Storytel for its poor agreements and problematic attitude towards copyright, which has attracted a great deal of media attention. The criticism led to an initial meeting with Storytel, and an agreement was made to review the conditions for signing an agreement.
Together with several other cultural organisations, the Swedish Writers’ Union published an article on SVT Opinion about private copying, demanding that companies such as Telia Sonera, Sony Communications and Samsung stop depriving culture creators of the payments to which they are entitled. The outcome of this pressure is that negotiations are now set to begin.
The Swedish Writers’ Union’s previous statement on Stockholm City Library’s unreasonable remuneration to authors led in 2016 to a new agreement from Stockholm City Library, which the Union was involved in drawing up.
The Union’s work over many years to highlight the issue of hate and threats resulted in a report from the Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis showing that a large proportion of the membership has been affected. The report attracted wide coverage and the Government announced that in 2017 it would be presenting a national strategy aimed at resolving the problems. The Union has decided to publish a supportive guide that will reach members in late winter/early spring 2017.
Göteborg Book Fair in Gothenburg was turbulent in many ways. The presence of the far-right newspaper Nya Tider prompted extensive debate about freedom of speech within the Union. A demonstration was organised at the book fair in support of freedom of speech. A seminar at the book fair on the translation of controversial words met with criticism and the Swedish Writers’ Union issued a public apology. As a result of this work, the Union is arranging talks to promote an in-depth discussion of the issue.
In autumn 2016, the Union’s Sami working group unveiled a 10-point programme on a trip to Jokkmokk. The initiative was warmly received and a Sami literature centre in Jokkmokk is expected.
The Union raised several objections to the Government’s investment in the LÄSLOV school holiday reading initiative. In an article in DN-debatt, the Union stated that the investment in LÄSLOV is a recognition of a failure in schools. Following the article, Education Minister Gustav Fridolin called a meeting to discuss the criticism.
A demonstration was held outside the Turkish Embassy together with various sister organisations to demand the release of hundreds of Turkish writers and journalists.
The President of the Swedish Writers’ Union took part in a meeting at the Foreign Ministry with Minister Margot Wallström as part of a campaign for the release of Dawit Isaak. The Union’s participation in the support committee will continue in 2017.
A delegation comprising the working committee of the Union’s board visited Moscow in February, and new contacts were established. As a result of the trip, a Swedish-Russian writers’ conference will be held in Visby in 2017.

Latvian Writers’ Union. Mudite Treimane

Latvian Writers’ Union unites 250 poets, prose writers, playwrights, literary scholars, critics and translators. Writers’ Union popularizes and supports Latvian literature and its authors. It arranges different literary events at the premises of the Union. Writers’ Union supports its members’ participation in different literary festivals and programs, readings, conferences, creative workshops.
It has its office also in Liepāja (in Kurzeme region). A regional literary magazine VĀRDS (The Word) is published by Liepāja writers. It co-operates with International Writers’ and Translators’ House or Ventspils House.
Latvian Ministry of Culture supports the membership of Latvian Writers’ Union in 3 international organizations: BWC, EWC and Three Seas.
Latvian Writers’ Union is one of the founding members of ENLIT (European Network for Literary Translation).
A literary magazine DOMUZĪME (Dash) comes out 4 times a year (since 2015, but is not published by Latvian Writers’ Union).
“The Process” is series of readings and talks, which started at the end of 2016 at the premises of Writers’ Union. The aim of readings was to come together regularly for authors to read new texts, to discuss the process of creation and current themes.
Latvian Writers’ Union for the 1st time was the organizer of very popular literary event PROSE READNGS, which goes on for several days in different places in Riga. It is a yearly
festival, taking place at the beginning of December, which has become popular year by year. Latvian writers as well as guest writers of different generations read their latest, unpublished works or fragments of them.
The Annual Latvian Literature Award (LALIGABA) is the most important literary award in Latvia. Each year the award is given to Latvian authors for the best prose and poetry books, the best children’s books, the best translations of foreign literature into Latvian, and the best debut in literature. Each year there is also an award for lifetime achievements. It is organized by Latvian Writers’ Union and Ventspils House.
Latvian Writers’ Union in 2016 organized Poetry festival (the largest literary festival in Latvia) which was supported by State Cultural Endowment and Riga City Council. Presentation of the 6th Poetry disc “Corpus Poesis” (16 poets read their poems) took place on the 1st day of the festival. The festival programme included readings of young poets, poetry slam, classical poetry evenings, master-classes and readings of foreign guests. The programmes were traditional, new and experimental ones, and 30 different events, dedicated to poetry, took place. 16 foreign guests from 7 countries participated in the festival.
The programme Literary Academy (with the support of Latvian Ministry of Culture) continues to give the possibilities to authors – eager to go in for prose, poetry and playwriting – to attend courses, lectures, seminars and master-classes.
The programme of the Academy was carried out by the Writers’ Union and supported by Latvian Ministry of Culture. The activities were taking place at the premises of Writers’ Union. Approximately 300 people had participated in different activities of the Academy. 200 authors had sent in their written works to literary competitions, organized during last year. Approximately 200 authors had taken part in seminars and master-classes.
In 2016 the seminar MATRIS LINGUA took place for the third time for the authors, whose native language was not Latvian.
Activities of Literary Academy took place also in Kurzeme and in Latgale.
When Latvian Literature Centre ceased to exist, Writers’ Union took over part of the Centre’s functions. One of them is the three-year program “Support for Foreign Publishers Publishing Latvian Literature”. The aim of it is to ensure that the best of Latvian prose, poetry, drama, journalism and children’s literature is accessible and known beyond the borders of Latvia. This program is a part of a group of joint activities, which the Latvian Ministry of Culture and State Cultural Endowment finances in cooperation with Latvian Publishers’ Association, Ventspils House and Latvian Writers’ Union. The Program has been developed, organized and administered by Latvian Writers’ Union.
The aim of the Grant Program is to provide financial support to foreign publishers publishing Latvian literature, thereby developing the interest of foreign publishers in Latvian literature and its translations in different languages. More information available in
Latvian Writers’ Union still runs a residency at Dubulti (the seaside resort in Jurmala): a cottage with 11 rooms – both single and double ones for the price of 35.00 EUR. During the summertime all the rooms are occupied. During other months everyone is welcome to Jurmala.
Residency Ventspils House is still popular – not only in Latvia but also abroad.
It continues to cooperate with permanent partners: Pro Helvetia (Switzerland), literary organisation Free Word Centre (London), translators house Looren (Switzerland), BCWT (Visby), Norden. The House has become a member of RECIT (a network of European literary translation centres) and Res Artis (Worldwide Network of Artist Residencies). Ventspils House cooperates with different festivals.
Contacts have been established also with writers’ residence in Finland Villa Sarkia and with a residence Michael King Writers’ Centre in Auckland in New Zealand.
In 2016 different activities had taken place: not only in the House, but also in Ventspils town organized by the House. 18 literary events (concerning literature and translation) were: poetry and prose readings, seminars and concerts with participation of the residents and local writers and artists.
The House has regular cooperation with cultural organizations of Ventspils town and region, Ventspils cultural centre, cultural societies, Ventspils University College and libraries.
Ventspils House continues to promote translation of Latvian literature in other languages and attends Book Fairs in Frankfurt, London, Gothenburg, Bologna.
In addition Ventspils House has organized an award ceremony for two literary events: The Annual Latvian Literature Award and the International Jānis Baltvilks Baltic Sea Region Award, which is the most important literary award for achievements in children’s literature in Latvia.
The Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators. Kazimiera Astratoviene

The Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators started its this year‘s activities with the traditional election of the best translated book of the year. The main criterion for assessing the translated books is the artistic value of the book, and, of course, it’s accurate professional translation. The competition is aimed at helping the readers, libraries and bookshops select the most significant works of world literature, promote
reading. At the same time it is sought to present and popularize the profession of a literary translator.
Pursuing the traditional educational activities and seeking to help literary translators improve their translation skills, seminar on translating movie texts and a movie texts’ translation competition was conducted.
The year 2016 was declared the Year of the literature of Asian Countries. The aim of it is to improve the dissemination of the literature of Asian Countries in Lithuania, to demonstrate the value of this literature to readers, publishers and libraries. In this occasion the competition Noriu versti (or I want to be a translator) has been organized. It was dedicated to the literature of Asian Countries and the participants were offered to translate texts from Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Persian, Hindi, Sanskrit and Turkish languages.
As every year, St Jerome Awards were given to a literary translator for his/her translations into the Lithuanian language as well as to a translator from the Lithuanian language. Also, traditionally awards to the editor of fiction and humanitarian literature for his/her lifetime achievements, as well as to a novice translator for the best translation début were presented, as well as the Bičiulių or Friends Award which is given to an individual or an organization for contributing substantially to artistic translation or the profession of a translator during the recent year.
In 2014 Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators celebrated ten years‘ anniversary, on this occasion it started a new project – there was created a collection of literary translators’ portraits in order to call to public attention the creative work of translators and to raise the prestige of the translator’s profession. In years 2015–2016 this collection was exhibited in different libraries of Lithuania. While opening the exhibition in a new place, readings and discussions about good translated literature were organized.
One more bit of news is that The Association started to publish the online magazine called Hieronymus: its aim is to publish most valuable texts of prose and poetry translated from different languages, focus on the most important literary news, also publish interviews with the translators and translation reviews.
It‘s also important to point out, that seeking to help literary translators to improve their negotiation skills and to deepen their knowledge about the copyright law and the authors‘ rights seminars together with lawyers were organized.

Representing 21 literary organizations, 12 countries and 17 000 members